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cloudstack开发环境如何搭建(linux下)注:此文档是针对ant方式管理 maven方式的还需另外配置,内容来自官方

注:此文档是针对ant方式管理 maven方式的还需另外配置,内容来自官方网站

Step 1: Install the tools and dependencies:
For fedora the package names are ant ant-devel, openjdk, openjdk-devel

yum install ant ant-devel openjdk openjdk-devel mysql mysql-server tomcat

yum install jakarta-commons-collections jakarta-commons-dbcp.noarch apache-commo
ns-logging.noarch jakarta-commons-pool jakarta-commons-httpclient.noarch ws-comm
ons-util.noarch glibc-devel gcc python MySQL-python openssh-clients

Download tomcat6.0.33 from http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-6/v6.0.3
3/bin/ instead of using distribution's default tomcat. Set CATALINA_HOME and CAT
ALINA_BASE to path where you extract tomcat in environment variable, it would be better off setting them in .bashrc as it will take effect every time you log in.

Note: Tomcat6.0.35 has some known issue with CloudStack, please avoid it

sh-keygen -t rsa -q
to create sshkey for your account if you don't have one

Step 2: Configuration

Start the MySQL service :

# service mysqld start

Step 3: Get the source

$ git clone https://github.com/CloudStack/CloudStack.git

For subsequent pulls, do:
$ git pull

Step 4: Building, testing, and deploying CloudStack using Ant :

Ant is a Java-based build tool designed to be cross-platform, easy to use, extensible, and scalable. Ant is controlled by providing a text file that tells how to perfo
rm all the stages of building, testing, and deploying a project. These files are build files, and every project that uses Ant must have at least one named as build.xml
. You can see build.xml in your CloudStack source.

Type to build CloudStack :
$ ant clean-all build-all

Type to deploy mgt server :
$ ant  deploy-server

Type to deploy database :
$ ant deploydb

Type to run mgt server:
$ ant debug

If all of the above process is successful. You are done the single server CloudStack installation.Now your CloudStack Management Server is running.

Open your browser and type the bellow url in address bar:




You can see CloudStack Management Console page via a web browser.  It will show you management consle login page. You can use the default username and password and lea
ve domain as blank.

The default credentials are “admin” for user and “password” for password. The domain field should be left blank. A blank
domain field is defaulted to the ROOT domain.

NOTE : This document is very basic CloudStack development installation. If you are very new to CloudStack and want to feel the power of CloudStack very quickly in RPM
based distro, this document will guide very clear step to get it done. Since I am new to CloudStack, I doing this documentation by learning from community. I will keet
update new information in this guide to make it more valuable resource.
