Eclipse Galileo(3.5)公布
Eclipse Galileo(3.5)发布!????? Eclipse官网发布了Eclipse Galileo(作为年度版本,官方称其为伽利略)。同时
Eclipse Galileo(3.5)发布!
???? Eclipse官网发布了Eclipse Galileo(作为年度版本,官方称其为伽利略)。同时发布了33个项目,这当然包括了经典了JDT,也包括了PHP开发工具和对模型软件包和持久层EclipseLink(以前称其为Oracle TopLink)强劲支持。此外还在Equinox runtime中增加了OSGi Declarative服务。Mac OS X的实时性也得到提高。对于P2我就不多说了,太方便了。
P2 provisioning which provides for a more efficient update process for Eclipse OSGi Declarative Services, which allow OSGi services to be configured and installed based on XML prior to the start of the bundle's service Improved target platform management, which allows the runtime platform to be configured easier Mylyn WikiText, which can be used to edit bugs via Mylyn or transform into other documentation formats like DocBook The addition of the Eclipse Memory Analyser, which can analyse the JVM's heap usage Install into Self, which allows plugins to be developed and installed into the currently running Eclipse platform Eclipse Modeling Project refinements, which reduces the size of the EMF runtime requirements Improved RAP styles to allow your RAP based application to be customised Enhanced JAvaScript bridge, which allows embedding of widgets like Google Maps into an SWT browser Java compare editor enhancements which allow JavaDoc hovers, hyperlinking and other goodness from the compare page