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谁说程序员不懂浪漫?!Imagine for a moment that you are stranded on a deserted island. This may sound


Imagine for a moment that you are stranded on a deserted island. This may sound
like a dream come true. After all, who wouldn’t want to get some solitude on a
beach, blissfully ignorant of the goings-on of the outside world?

?? ?这是Spring In Action作者Craig Walls在"POJO-based remote services"之前向我们描述的graces.

?? ?这些天又看Craig Walls写的Spring In Action了,很享受作者的写作风格:文笔清新,幽默活泼,又不失小说那样的情节安排.读着读着就上瘾了,真是手不释卷,大呼过瘾!不知不中就着了Craig Walls的道儿,发现自己在享受上品智慧时,竟然学到了Java的编程知识.
?? ?
?? ?谁说程序员不懂浪漫?!
?? ?谁说科技必须板起脸来?道不远人嘛.

?? ?反观中文写的科技类图书,唉....一个"唉"字怎么表达出这里面的诸多辛苦呢?
