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转GWTEXT中增加tool的控制转自这个文章http://code.google.com/p/gwt-ext/issues/detail?id406Added a ne


Added a new Interface that implementors should implement the onClick event.  This
event does pass the necessary information to the Tool.

The new interface is ToolHandler and the signature of the onclick event is:
public void onClick(EventObject e, ExtElement toolEl, Panel panel);

With this, now the you can change the icon and toggle it as it is the case of

Here is an example of how to change the pin/unpin icon when using ToolHandler:

public class myToolHandler implements ToolHandler{  boolean pin = false;  ExtElement ele = null;    public void setElement(){    EventManager.addListener(ele.getDOM(), "mouseover", new EventCallback(){      public void execute(EventObject e) {        if(pin){          ele.removeClass("x-tool-unpin-over");          ele.addClassOnOver("x-tool-pin-over");        }else{          ele.removeClass("x-tool-pin-over");          ele.addClassOnOver("x-tool-unpin-over");        }      }    }, new ListenerConfig(){      {        setStopEvent(true);      }    });  }  public void onClick(EventObject e, ExtElement toolEl, Panel panel) {    if(pin){      Ext.fly(toolEl.getDOM()).replaceClass("x-tool x-tool-pin", "x-tool x-tool-unpin");    }else{      Ext.fly(toolEl.getDOM()).replaceClass("x-tool x-tool-unpin", "x-tool x-tool-pin");    }    pin = !pin;    if(ele == null){      ele = toolEl;      setElement();    }  }}

The above works well... Except in IE when the icon is PIN and you hover on it, it
shows as UNPIN.  Could not figure out why!

Comment 2  by menschfe...@gmail.com, Feb 02, 2009

"The above works well... Except in IE when the icon is PIN and you hover on it, it
shows as UNPIN.  Could not figure out why!"

Anyone know the fix for this? I get the same result in Chrome.

Comment 3 by stylina...@gmail.com, Jun 29, 2010

FYI - I was able to fix the hover issue by changing:

EventManager.addListener(ele.getDOM(), "mouseover", new EventCallback()


EventManager.addListener(ele.getDOM(), "mouseenter", new EventCallback()
