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   <!-- =================================================================== -->
   <!-- ant properties/targets for MS SQL Server                            -->
   <!-- note: this is not a proper xml file (there is no root element)      -->
   <!--       it is intended to be imported from a *real* xml file          -->
   <!-- =================================================================== -->

   <property name="database.script.file"           value=""/>
   <property name="database.driver.file"           value="${lib.dir}/mssqlserver.jar" />
   <property name="database.driver"                value="com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"/>
   <property name="database.url"                   value="jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;database=framework"/>
   <property name="database.userid"                value="sa"/>
   <property name="database.password"              value="sa"/>
   <!-- In MS SQL the schema is the owner of the tables as displayed by SQL Server Enterprise Manager -->
   <property name="database.schema"                value="dbo"/>
   <!-- In MS SQL the catalog is the database, for example, 'Northwind' -->
   <property name="database.catalog"               value="framework"/>

   <property name="jboss.datasource.mapping"       value="MS SQLSERVER"/>
   <!--property name="jboss.datasource.mapping"       value="MS SQLSERVER2000"/-->
Buildfile: D:\eclipse\workspace\middlegen-2.1\samples\build.xml
Warning: 'file:./config/database/mssql.xml' in D:\eclipse\workspace\middlegen-2.1\samples\build.xml should be expressed simply as './config/database/mssql.xml' for compliance with other XML tools
Warning: 'file:./config/ejb/jboss.xml' in D:\eclipse\workspace\middlegen-2.1\samples\build.xml should be expressed simply as './config/ejb/jboss.xml' for compliance with other XML tools
[middlegen] Database URL:jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;database=framework
[middlegen] No <table> elements specified. Reading all tables. This might take a while...
[middlegen] 2007-10-06 23:22:07,750 WARN  [middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator] WARNING: The JDBC driver didn't report any primary key columns in sysconstraints
[middlegen] 2007-10-06 23:22:08,000 WARN  [middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator] WARNING: The JDBC driver didn't report any primary key columns in syssegments
[middlegen] 2007-10-06 23:22:08,359 WARN  [middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator] WARNING: Middlegen couldn't find any relations between any tables. This may be intentional from the design of the database, but it may also be because you have incorrectly defined the relationships. It could also be because the JDBC driver you're using doesn't correctly implement DatabaseMetaData. See the samples (for an example on how to define relationships) and verify that your driver correctly implements DatabaseMetaData.
[middlegen] 2007-10-06 23:22:08,468 WARN  [middlegen.plugins.entitybean.JBoss] WARNING (cmp20): JBoss 3.0 doesn't support fields that are part of CMR to be CMP at the same time. You might want to set fkcmp="false" in the cmp20 plugin.
[middlegen] 2007-10-06 23:22:08,562 WARN  [middlegen.plugins.entitybean.Entity20Column] WARNING: The cmp20 is configured with readonly="true", but the prefs settings for the column USER.ID indicates that a local setter for this column should be generated. Middlegen will use the prefs setting, so the generated framework.interfaces.UserLocal's setId method will exist, causing the bean NOT to be read only.
[middlegen] Extracting foreign keys for table : USER
[middlegen] Extracting foreign keys for table : dtproperties
[middlegen] Extracting foreign keys for table : sysconstraints
[middlegen] Extracting foreign keys for table : syssegments
[middlegen] Updated preferences in D:\eclipse\workspace\middlegen-2.1\samples\src\framework-prefs.properties
Total time: 7 seconds

情况就是这么个情况,大家有什么办法,小弟谢谢先。。。。 1 楼 wangzhongjie 2007-10-06   自己先顶一个,看看大家有什么办法,帮俺看看, 2 楼 huangyou 2007-10-24   我的oracle10g,也没成功
