SQL SERVER判断部门有无子部门如何写?
部门代号 部门名称 上级部门
03 采购部
0301 采购部1 03
0302 采购部2 03
030101 采购部1-2 0301
030201 采购部2-2 0302
我想用一句SQL 语句得到 有子部门为0,没有子部门的为1
部门代号 部门名称 有无子部门
03 采购部 0
0301 采购部1 0
0302 采购部2 0
030101 采购部1-2 1
030201 采购部2-2 1
SELECT a.*,有无子部门=CASE WHEN b.部门代号 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 end FROM Tree AS a OUTER APPLY(SELECT TOP 1 部门代号 FROM Tree WHERE a.部门代号=上级部门) AS b
if(object_id('a')is not null) drop table aCREATE TABLE A (branchcode varchar(20),branchname varchar(50),managebranch varchar(50))goinsert into aselect '03','采购部','' union allselect '0301','采购部1','03' union allselect '0302','采购部2','03' union allselect '030101','采购部1-2','0301' union allselect '030201','采购部2-2','0302'select branchcode,branchname,case when branchcode in(select managebranch from a where managebranch is not null and len(managebranch)<>0) then 1 else 0 end as ifsonbranch from a/*03 采购部 10301 采购部1 10302 采购部2 1030101 采购部1-2 0030201 采购部2-2 0*/
if(object_id('a')is not null) drop table aCREATE TABLE A (branchcode varchar(20),branchname varchar(50),managebranch varchar(50))goinsert into aselect '03','采购部','' union allselect '0301','采购部1','03' union allselect '0302','采购部2','03' union allselect '030101','采购部1-2','0301' union allselect '030201','采购部2-2','0302'SELECT *,CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM A WHERE managebranch=T.branchcode) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END FROM A T/*(所影响的行数为 5 行)branchcode branchname managebranch -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- 03 采购部 00301 采购部1 03 00302 采购部2 03 0030101 采购部1-2 0301 1030201 采购部2-2 0302 1(所影响的行数为 5 行)
if(object_id('a')is not null) drop table aCREATE TABLE A (branchcode varchar(20),branchname varchar(50),managebranch varchar(50))goinsert into aselect '03','采购部','' union allselect '0301','采购部1','03' union allselect '0302','采购部2','03' union allselect '030101','采购部1-2','0301' union allselect '030201','采购部2-2','0302'select branchcode,branchname,case when branchcode in(select managebranch from a where managebranch is not null and len(managebranch)<>0) then 0 else 1 end as ifsonbranch from a/*03 采购部 00301 采购部1 00302 采购部2 0030101 采购部1-2 1030201 采购部2-2 1*/