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Create Cursor T1 (列1 C(10),列2 C(10),列3 C(10))Insert Into T1 Values ('A','B','C')Insert Into T1 Values ('D','E','F')Insert Into T1 Values ('G','H','I')Browse Title "原始数据"*------------------------------------------Create Cursor T2 (列 I,行 I,值 C(10))Select T1lnFields=Fcount('T1')Scan For lnI=1 To lnFields Insert Into T2 Values (lnI,Recno('T1'),Evaluate('T1.'+Field(lnI,'T1'))) EndforEndscanSelect T2Index On 列 To lsBrowse Title "转换后的数据"*------------------------------------------Create Cursor T3 (列1 C(10),列2 C(10),列3 C(10))Select Max(行) As nRows Into Cursor T4 From T2Select T3For lnI=1 To T4.nRows Append BlankEndforSelect T2Scan lcFieldName='列'+Transform(列) Replace All (lcFieldName) With T2.值 For Recno()=T2.行 In T3EndscanSelect T3Browse Title "又转回来的数据"