Dim Zero,LastMonday,LastSunday,LastMonth1,LastMonth2,msgZero="1900-01-01 00:00:00"LastMonth1=DateAdd("m", DateDiff("m", Zero,Now)-1, Zero)LastMonth2=DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("m", DateDiff("m",Zero,Now), Zero))LastMonday=DateAdd("ww",DateDiff("ww",Zero,Now),-5)LastSunday=DateAdd("ww",DateDiff("ww",Zero,Now),1)msg="上月第一天:"&LastMonth1&",最后一天:"&LastMonth2&vbCrLfmsg=msg&"上周一:"&LastMonday&",上周日:"&LastSundayMsgBox msg
dim str,date1,y,m,d,ddstr="2011/5/22"date1=cdate(str)msgbox FormateDateTime(date1,"3") rem //*********************************************************** rem 函数名:FormateDateTime(sendTime,Para) rem 函数参数:sendTime:日期格式,Para:格式 rem 函数作用:格式时间或日期 rem 函数返回:返回格式化后的字符串 rem//************************************************************ Function FormateDateTime(sendTime,Para) select case Para rem YYYYMMDDHHmmss case "1" sendTime = year(sendTime) & right( "00" & month(sendTime),2) & right( "00" & day(sendTime),2) & right( "00" & hour(sendTime),2) & right( "00" & minute(sendTime),2) & right( "00" & second(sendTime),2) rem YYYYMMDD case "2" sendTime = year(sendTime) & right( "00" & month(sendTime),2) & right( "00" & day(sendTime),2) rem YYYY-MM-DD case "3" sendTime = year(sendTime) & "-"& right( "00" & month(sendTime),2) & "-"& right( "00" & day(sendTime),2) rem YYYY年MM月DD日 case "4" sendTime = year(sendTime) & "年"& right( "00" & month(sendTime),2) & "月"& right( "00" & day(sendTime),2)& "日" rem YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss case "5" sendTime = year(sendTime) & "-"& right( "00" & month(sendTime),2) & "-"& right( "00" & day(sendTime),2) & " "& right( "00" & hour(sendTime),2) & ":"& right( "00" & minute(sendTime),2) & ":"& right( "00" & second(sendTime),2) end select FormateDateTime = SendTime end Function
Sub Send_mailDim Email,You_ID,MS_Space'code by NetPatch 'VBS发送邮件参数说明 'You_Account:你的邮件帐号 'You_Password:你的邮件密码 'Send_Email: '主要邮件地址 'Send_Email2: 备用邮件地址 'Send_Topic: '邮件主题 'Send_Body: '邮件内容 'Send_Attachment:邮件附件 You_ID=Split("你的邮箱地址", "@", -1, vbTextCompare) '帐号和服务器分离 MS_Space = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" '这个是必须要的,不过可以放心的事,不会通过微软发送邮件 Set Email = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Email.From = "你的邮箱地址" '这个一定要和发送邮件的帐号一样 Email.To = "收件人地址" '主要邮件地址 Email.CC = "" '备用邮件地址 Email.Subject = "话费统计" '邮件主题 Email.Textbody = "你好,以下是统计日志:" & vbCrLf &Result'邮件内容 Email.AddAttachment CurrentPath & "log.TxT"'邮件附件 With Email.Configuration.Fields .Item(MS_Space&"sendusing") = 2 '发信端口 .Item(MS_Space&"smtpserver") = "mail."&You_ID(1) 'SMTP服务器地址 .Item(MS_Space&"smtpserverport") = 25 'SMTP服务器端口 .Item(MS_Space&"smtpauthenticate") = 1 'cdobasec .Item(MS_Space&"sendusername") = You_ID(0) '你的邮件帐号 .Item(MS_Space&"sendpassword") = "*******" '你的邮件密码 .Update End With Email.Send '发送邮件 Set Email=Nothing Set You_ID = NothingSet MS_Space = Nothing'关闭组件 End Sub