在看icon文件结构时遇到的一个概念, 不知道是什么意思,即下面结构的wplanes字段。谢谢!
Public Type icondirentry bwidth As Byte ';byte // width, in pixels, of the image:图像宽度,以象素为单位。一个字节 bheight As Byte ';byte // height, in pixels, of the image:图像高度,以象素为单位。一个字节 bcolorcount As Byte ';byte // number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp):图像中的颜色数(如果是>=8bpp的位图则为0) breserved As Byte ';byte // reserved ( must be 0):保留字必须是0 wplanes As Integer ';word // color planes:为目标设备说明位面数,其值将总是被设为1 wbitcount As Integer ';word // bits per pixel:每象素所占位数。 dwbytesinres As Long ';dword // how many bytes in this resource?:这份资源所占字节数 dwimageoffset As Long ';dword // where in the file is this image?:图像数据(iconimage)起点偏移位置。End Type ' icondirentry