项目做大,需要单元测试工具保证,Flex也不例外,发现一款开源的Flex测试工具FlexMonkey ,基于AIR,Adobe网站上有一篇快速入门教程http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flexmonkey.html?,详细可以访问FlexMonkey的网站http://www.flexmonkey.gorillalogic.com/gl/stuff.flexmonkey.html, 也可以到google网站去下载?http://code.google.com/p/flexmonkey/
以 下是简单的抓图:
FlexMonkey 写道FlexMonkey is a free Adobe AIR application used for testing Flex and AIR based applications. Providing the functionality to record, playback and verify Flex UI interactions, our test automation tool also generates ActionScript-based testing scripts that you can easily include within a continuous integration environment. Automate your tests by downloading our open source tool that now has over 10,000 users.?