这篇帖子的内容我本来想发到 http://www.iteye.com/topic/806660这里的主贴里去的,想挽回被隐藏的命运,但我写完本贴的内容,却发现为时已晚。好吧,我承认,上一个贴的标题容易引发口水,这次我们实事求是,从代码出发,通过一个小例子较完整的介绍play!framework的开发过程:
1、下载play 解压,配置环境变量
2、打开命令行:转到合适的目录,输入Play new booking 这样,项目即生成完毕。
3、 进入项目目录中,执行play eclipsify 或者play netbeansify 这样即可将生成的项目导入到eclipse或者netbeans中。
app 包含所有的model,controller以及view(模板)。 conf下是一个application.conf 配置文件。 lib是Play依赖的第三方jar。 logs是日志 public下包含你引用的js,css以及,images等。 test下所有的测试文件在此。
这样的一个目录显然与传统的JEE目录完全不一样,事实上,它已经摒弃了servlet,jsp那些东西,而完全自己实现了HTTP,您会问,那它是不是无法正常运行于标准的servlet容器中,请不要担心,我们在开发完成后可以使用命令play war –odir 这个命令生成可以正常运行于servlet容器中的项目目录。
Application.mode=dev 生产模式请改为:prod
主要区别在于开发模式中您无需重启server,每次请求都会查看是否有文件发生改变,改变即编译,这对于传统Java EE开发人员无疑是相当敏捷的。而这种方式同样会导致性能下降,所以生产模式中就不会这样了,而是采用预编译机制。
按照OO的开发模式 首先编写模型层:
在app包下新建类Hotel.java 继承Model ,如下:
@Entity public class Hotel extends Model { @Required public String name; public String address; public String city; …..省略部分字段 @Column(precision=6, scale=2) public BigDecimal price; public String toString() { return "Hotel(" + name + "," + address + "," + city + "," + zip + ")"; } }
@Entity public class Booking extends Model { @Required @ManyToOne public User user; @Required @ManyToOne public Hotel hotel; @Required @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) public Date checkinDate; @Required @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) public Date checkoutDate; @Required(message="Credit card number is required") @Match(value="^\\d{16}$", message="Credit card number must be numeric and 16 digits long") public String creditCard; @Required(message="Credit card name is required") public String creditCardName; public int creditCardExpiryMonth; public int creditCardExpiryYear; public boolean smoking; public int beds; public Booking(Hotel hotel, User user) { this.hotel = hotel; this.user = user; } public BigDecimal getTotal() { return hotel.price.multiply( new BigDecimal( getNights() ) ); } public int getNights() { return (int) ( checkoutDate.getTime() - checkinDate.getTime() ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24; } public String getDescription() { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); return hotel==null ? null : hotel.name + ", " + df.format( checkinDate ) + " to " + df.format( checkoutDate ); } public String toString() { return "Booking(" + user + ","+ hotel + ")"; } }
public class Hotels extends Application { @Before//拦截器 static void checkUser() { if(connected() == null) { flash.error("Please log in first"); Application.index(); } } public static void index() { List<Booking> bookings = Booking.find("byUser", connected()).fetch();//这句是不是更加面向对象? render(bookings); } public static void list(String search, Integer size, Integer page) { List<Hotel> hotels = null; page = page != null ? page : 1; if(search.trim().length() == 0) { //分页的代码是不是很简单?链式调用更加方便 hotels = Hotel.all().fetch(page, size); } else { search = search.toLowerCase(); hotels = Hotel.find("lower(name) like ? OR lower(city) like ?", "%"+search+"%", "%"+search+"%").fetch(page, size); } render(hotels, search, size, page); } public static void book(Long id) { Hotel hotel = Hotel.findById(id); render(hotel); } public static void confirmBooking(Long id, Booking booking) { Hotel hotel = Hotel.findById(id); booking.hotel = hotel; booking.user = connected(); validation.valid(booking); // Errors or revise if(validation.hasErrors() || params.get("revise") != null) { render("@book", hotel, booking); } // Confirm if(params.get("confirm") != null) { booking.save(); flash.success("Thank you, %s, your confimation number for %s is %s", connected().name, hotel.name, booking.id); index(); } // Display booking render(hotel, booking); } public static void saveSettings(String password, String verifyPassword) { User connected = connected(); connected.password = password; validation.valid(connected); validation.required(verifyPassword); validation.equals(verifyPassword, password).message("Your password doesn't match"); if(validation.hasErrors()) { render("@settings", connected, verifyPassword); } connected.save(); flash.success("Password updated"); index(); } }
public static void save(Picture picture,File pic){ File uploadFile=new File(Play.applicationPath.getAbsoluteFile()+”/public/uploads”); play.libs.Files.copy(pic,uploadFile);picture.url =path;picture.save();QZ_Admin.pictures();}
#{extends 'main.html' /}///在views文件夹下面编写main.html一般为网站所有页面的公共部分,比如header和footer #{set title:'Search' /}//为每一个页面设置title 在Main.html有变量title <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Address</th> <th>City, State</th> <th>Check in</th> <th>Check out</th> <th>Confirmation number</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> #{list bookings, as:'booking'} //遍历 <tr> <td>${booking.hotel.name}</td> <td>${booking.hotel.address}</td> <td>${booking.hotel.city},${booking.hotel.state}, ${booking.hotel.country}</td> <td>${booking.checkinDate.format('yyyy-MM-dd')}</td> <td>${booking.checkoutDate.format('yyyy-MM-dd')}</td> <td>${booking.id}</td> <td> #{a @cancelBooking(booking.id)}Cancel#{/a} </td> </tr> #{/list} </tbody> </table>
2、public static void showProduct(String id) {3、 Product product = Cache.get("product_" + id, Product.class);4、 if(product == null) {5、 product = Product.findById(id);6、 Cache.set("product_" + id, product, "30mn");7、 }8、 render(product);9、}
3、@Every("1h")4、public class Bootstrap extends Job {5、 6、 public void doJob() {7、 List<User> newUsers = User.find("newAccount = true").fetch();8、 for(User user : newUsers) {9、 Notifier.sayWelcome(user);10、 }11、 }12、 13、}
4、Template t =TemplateLoader.load("UserCenter/mailTemplate.html");//邮件模板 5、Scope.RenderArgs templateBinding = Scope.RenderArgs.current(); 6、templateBinding.put("url","http;//url")); 7、String result =t.render(templateBinding.data); 8、Mail.send("from@163.com", "to@163.com", "",result,"text/html")