Missing shareed libary com.google.android.maps
isstall failed Missing shareed libary com.google.android.maps
使用google map apd时,手机中需要两个文件:(使用DDMS可以一览无遗)
这种情况我不得不在manifest.xml中注释掉map api的use libary代码。。。
Thanks to this post, and a whole heap of other stuff, I finally sorted out a Google Maps problem on my Nexus One.
When trying to install some apps, I would see this error message in logcat:
requires unavailable shared library com.google.android.maps
I had the Google Maps app installed and working, but that didn’t fix the issue. It turns out, I had to add two other files and restart the phone. I found those files in the google zip from Cyanogenmod. It took a little fiddling, but I was able to use these instructions to remount /system in write mode. First step was to take the following two files from the google apps zip (gapps-hdpi-20101114-signed.zip) and put them onto my sd card.
Then to load them onto the phone, I opened the terminal emulator and ran:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cp /mnt/sdcard/com.google.android.maps.xml /system/etc/permissions/
cp /mnt/sdcard/com.google.android.maps.jar /system/framework/
Then after I rebooted the phone, I was able to install apps that depend on Google Maps. I can now check bus and train times, and do all kinds of other cool stuff with maps!
Note, this is only relevant if you do not want all Google Apps installed. I only have the map application installed as I don’t sync my phone with any Google services. If you’re using all the Google Apps, I suggest reinstalling as these steps should not be necessary.
To add a little colour, here’s an unrelated picture from flickr, courtesy of epSos.de