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在Android emulator下测试NFC

在Android emulator上测试NFCheres a summary of what to do to set up the OpenNFC stack with the NFC

在Android emulator上测试NFC
here's a summary of what to do to set up the OpenNFC stack with the NFC controller (NFCC) simulator.

--The stack (with NFCC simulator) is supported on Windows host only, since both the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator are Windows apps.

--Need to download all 3 packages:

OpenNFC Android SDK addonhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/open-nfc/files/Open%20NFC%204.3%20beta%20%2810381%29/Open%20NFC%20for%20Android%20SDK%20Addon%20v4.3.0%20%2810381%29.zip/download
OpenNFC core Editionhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/open-nfc/files/Open%20NFC%204.3.0%20%2810877%29/Open%20NFC%20-%20Core%20Edition%20v4.3.0%20%2810877%29.zip/download, which has the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator apps.
The echo server: EchoToolhttp://bansky.net/echotool/
--Install the SDK addon, and create an AVD using the SDK Addon.

--start Connection Center (run "Connection Center.exe") and config it to accept client connections from other machines.

--start NFCC simulator (run "NfcSimulator.exe").

--start echo server (on port 7), using the cmd: echotool /p tcp /s 7

--start Android emulator using the AVD just created.

--from the emulator, select Settings->Wireless & networks->NFC settings

--enter in IP Connection Center

--select Simulator for NFC HAL implementation

--now click the NFC toggle (check box) to start the NFC stack!

