Support for the newly release?Liferay Marketplace! ?For details on how to use GA2 with the Liferay Marketplace, check out the relevant chapters in the?Liferay Portal User Guide. ?For information on how to develop for the Marketplace, read theLiferay Portal Development Guide?(note that you cannot yet upload your plugins to Marketplace - it's coming soon!).
All security fixes from the?Community Security Team?have been rolled into this release
Support for Danish language [LPS-14931] and fixes for many other languages.
A new Welcome Page & Theme (replaces "SevenCogs")?- A simplified intro for new Liferay users with links to relevant content on
Portal Access Control List [LPS-26263] - Allows plugin developers to declare the resources their plugins use, which is verified at runtime.
Visual improvements to JSON WS Management [LPS-24874]
New support for:?HTML5 Audio,?Vaadin 6.7.4,?Tomcat 7.0.27,?GlassFish 3.1.2,?JBoss 7.1.1,?JOnAS 5.2.3, ?Jetty 7.6.3,?Resin 4.0.27,?Hibernate 3.6.10, and?Spring 3.0.7
Release Notes - PUBLIC - Liferay Portal Community Edition - Version 6.1.1 CE GA2
[LPS-6308] - Document Library's WebDAV items open read only
[LPS-8498] - Impersonation asks for new password in case password need to be changed for a user
[LPS-8512] - Search Iterator taglib doesn't like URL's with anchors in them
[LPS-9039] - Phone number check algorithm has holes
[LPS-9633] - Adding new type Date in Structure
[LPS-10023] - Saving a word document directly from Word 2007 fails
[LPS-12681] - Default home page /web/guest is not layout-cached by CacheFilter
[LPS-12922] - WebDAV fails to connect
[LPS-13407] - Security redirect Problem in messageboards Portlet
[LPS-15307] - Concurrent edit by two users may overwrite Wiki draft
[LPS-15308] - Concurrent edit by two users may overwrite Web Content draft
[LPS-15567] - SASS support should have error logging
[LPS-15936] - Activities Portlet feed to display bookmark entry from Bookmarks Porlet
[LPS-16833] - assetTag aui:input considers any character on the [,] key as an enter
[LPS-16862] - Database space leak in ResourcePermission table after role deletion
[LPS-17689] - Unable to view .tif files in Image Gallery in Firefox and Chrome
[LPS-18207] - Review markup and headers
[LPS-18364] - AssetRenderer fails for Journal/Web Content utilising template when embeded in custom portlet due to incorrect class loader
[LPS-18374] - "Kill Session" on monitoring fails to kill a session if user selects 'Remember Me' on login.
[LPS-18710] - Restarting Consumer in WSRP fails to complete
[LPS-18954] - Role Title gets lost in permission importer
[LPS-20096] - SessionClickAction allows easy DoS attack
[LPS-20227] - Control Panel inconsistency when using Edit user profile
[LPS-20462] - Portal does not clean up temp file after exporting LAR files
[LPS-20615] - [PortalImpl:4643] Current URL /i.php? generates exception: null
[LPS-20784] - Warning in console when built-in site/page templates selected
[LPS-20868] - Restarting app server causes plugin to not be picked up
[LPS-21092] - Cannot retrieve document library document of group A via webdav if group B has a name that is equal to the friendly url of group A minus the / prefix
[LPS-21169] - 6.1 - Reindex.on.upgrade fails to work
[LPS-21231] - ResourceActionsUtil warns that community-defaults element is deprecated, but DTD still specifies it
[LPS-21348] - Deleting a document and its shortcut at the same time causes an error
[LPS-21478] - lang attribute in html element is not correct in edge scenarios
[LPS-21516] - Sprite images folder needs to be configurable
[LPS-21628] - Unable to view Media Gallery portlet as a guest upon upgrade to 6.1 until the Documents and Media Library is added
[LPS-21818] - Editing a Page Variation without saving changes will make variations un-editable/un-deleteable until refreshed
[LPS-21945] - After upgrade, Custom Roles have all permissions assigned that were not before the upgrade
[LPS-22179] - Add Application Shadow Remains As List Is Shortened On IE9
[LPS-22182] - Theme and Logo should be changeable at the Site Pages Variation Level
[LPS-22218] - The default Web Content URL points to Live instead of staging when the content is staged
[LPS-22299] - Dynamic Data List Permissioning not working correctly
[LPS-22583] - Faceted Search does not display counts for the Date select criteria
[LPS-22593] - Site Memberships - Summary tab - User Groups search bar does not work
[LPS-22618] - Messed UI in help bubbles (Internet Explorer 9)
[LPS-22798] - Repositories are not displayed in Media Gallery
[LPS-22859] - Custom Thumbnails not generated for non-image media types
[LPS-23087] - Comments - place for user name is too narrow
[LPS-23221] - Advanced link on Site Pages interface is never populated when Public Pages or Private Pages is selected
[LPS-23306] - Amazon Rankings portlet breaks after configuration
[LPS-23322] - Asset Publisher contains options for asset types that it can't handle
[LPS-23331] - Display page shows nothing when creating web content through 'Recent Content'
[LPS-23363] - Search is broken with full database's pre-packaged data
[LPS-23510] - Document Name is not displayed correctly in the Document Library Field in Spreadsheet View
[LPS-23514] - Documents & Media - Video does not keep aspect ratio/refit upon window resizing
[LPS-23619] - Back link in tabs shouldn't look like a tab
[LPS-23621] - Translatable fields doesn't appear in the translation popup after structure modification
[LPS-23622] - elqNow is allowed as a Friendly URL despite restriction
[LPS-23758] - Three checkboxes in Configuration -> Setup -> Display Settings need a new heading
[LPS-23799] - Import Pages to Wiki will result in exceptions
[LPS-23845] - Not Found error trying to access secure page when logged out
[LPS-23914] - Search Portlet facets and tags not clickable in IE8
[LPS-23947] - "The selected web content no longer exists." when browsing to content outside of the site
[LPS-23998] - Publishing a Second Blogs Entry with a Future Display Date causes exceptions
[LPS-24006] - Group Statistics portlet displays "User's" instead of "Group"; missing language key
[LPS-24016] - User is able to see organizations created for different instances
[LPS-24020] - XML definition not parsing when user clicks save draft from source tab
[LPS-25197] - Reset Password: generated link depends on a page "/web/test" and doesn't work if page is not homepage -
[LPS-25200] - JSF portlet template does not have speed.filters.enabled=false
[LPS-25205] - Web Content Template shouldn't be modifiable from Live
[LPS-25209] - Publish to Remove Live fails with no message to the user when the staging user does not exist on the live site
[LPS-25211] - Editing the "Site Permissions" of User Group shows more actions that are really available
[LPS-25213] - static Range facet checks the wrong JSON data
[LPS-25215] - Classloader issue when using extractText with hook
[LPS-25220] - ThreadLocalCaches are not properly cleaned up after each http request and each message bus request
[LPS-25226] - Asset's Publish Date never gets updated when updating article's DisplayDate
[LPS-25229] - Importing LAR into Site Template fails with NoSuchLayoutSetPrototypeException
[LPS-25230] - Websphere 7 can't start due to exceptions (on Windows)
[LPS-25233] - Publish to Live creates new versions of documents even if these haven't changed
[LPS-25247] - In some languages checkout may have different meanings in Shopping and Documents and Media
[LPS-25253] - "Page" link in layout prototypes asset is not working
[LPS-25254] - Quartz Sheduler initialization fails when sharding is actived and last initialized company is not in the default shard
[LPS-25256] - "Mobile Device Rules" portlet should only be listed in Control Panel
[LPS-25261] - ServiceBuilder in plugins SDK generates ServiceSoap with wrong return types for generic entity types
[LPS-25265] - Missing directories in Ext plugin created by Ant target
[LPS-25272] - Web content display portlet shows info messages to guest users
[LPS-25279] - Revision 94832 of UserLocalServiceImpl produced NPE when null param attribute supplied
[LPS-25288] - Portlets in Manage Site Content does not maximize to fill full window
[LPS-25289] - freemarker template files in the core are never deployed after changes using fast-deploy
[LPS-25304] - JSONWS API application does not support plugin context
[LPS-25338] - WebServerServlet does not always support range HTTP header
[LPS-25342] - Theme Plugin Build - CSS files cache time stamp not preserved in copy operation
[LPS-25351] - Wrong date of incoherence between dates on document and media
[LPS-25353] - Personal Pages inherited from a User Group can not be viewed by Guest users
[LPS-25355] - Can not save the pages settings in a user group
[LPS-25374] - Clicking a result in Media gallery when searching should start slideshow
[LPS-25376] - Sites created from site templates are sometimes not getting the sample content copied over
[LPS-25382] - top_head.jsp has unescaped URL cause XSS
[LPS-25384] - On new install, LDAP control panel cannot be shown due to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
[LPS-25393] - Liferay throws ClassCastExceptions on Ubuntu/Debian
[LPS-25396] - When a site template is not being merged due to reaching the max threshold, this is not shown in the logs
[LPS-25398] - Permissons error when viewing documents and media portlet
[LPS-25408] - Unable to concurrently process multiple portlets when social equity is enabled in HSQL
[LPS-25415] - Prevent anyone who is not a site members from seeing private site pages (excluding anyone who can update the site)
[LPS-25418] - NullPointerException when uploading a file via desktop
[LPS-25420] - Text Shifts On Mouse Over
[LPS-25430] - In sites portlet, if the user does not have permissions to edit a site, we should not generate a link the site name and type.
[LPS-25433] - DLFileEntryLocalServiceImpl captures wrong Exception type
[LPS-25441] - Asset Publisher in Live shows content from Staging
[LPS-25443] - Documents and Media display and Media gallery do not allow exporting/importing previews and thumbnails
[LPS-25444] - Documents and Media Display and Image Gallery are not exporting documents from the root folder
[LPS-25445] - Robots.txt can not be changed for the guest site if you are using a portal virtualhost
[LPS-25465] - After using Setup Wizard to change from HSQL to MySQL the "Asset Publisher" portlet becomes unavailable.
[LPS-25483] - Remove Legacy "Vocabulary" table from portal-tables.sql
[LPS-25484] - Don`t work ldap.user.ignore.attributes for firstName, middleName, lastName
[LPS-25500] - search-container-column-button name attribute was not translated
[LPS-25501] - Special Characters fail to display correctly in Roles
[LPS-25504] - Custom site page based on page template can be accidentally deleted when propagating changes from a site template
[LPS-25505] - Mail portlet: "The request resource was not found" error when doing relpy/reply all/ forward
[LPS-25514] - Wrong database type selected by default in the Wizard
[LPS-25529] - Non paginated cache is not getting updated when saving using persist method
[LPS-25530] - AMS portlet has been updated to account for new changes with alloy controller
[LPS-25534] - JspFactoryWrapper should honor the given buffer size when autoflush is off
[LPS-25535] - SetupWizard conflicts with license manager
[LPS-25541] - Add document to a repository without a title fails
[LPS-25545] - AtomPub collections are not working after migration to APIs url (/api)
[LPS-25549] - Make website code more robust
[LPS-25571] - Creole Parser: Handling braces inside nowiki sections in a better way
[LPS-25575] - Using certain friendlyURLs such as /layout can cause errors when changing the friendlyURL the page
[LPS-25587] - Virtual Host field in Portal Settings Causes 404 on first session action
[LPS-25605] - Adding an Organization with an admin with limited permissions may cause the admin to not be allowed to edit the org after creation
[LPS-25630] - Remove that allows storing Lucene in the database
[LPS-25646] - Can not search Nuxeo repository from root
[LPS-25727] - Deleting entries should delete the subscription to comment
[LPS-25800] - Example in JSON WebService api documentation fails on portlets
[LPS-25822] - LAR Export of Documents and Media portlet throws UnsupportedOperationException
[LPS-25871] - LAR import is not working on sun java 7
[LPS-25920] - Do a proper equals checking in ClassLoaderBeanHandler
[LPS-25921] - ant fast-deploy does not work with jspf
[LPS-25946] - Instanceable portlet on removal from page does not clear up InvokerPortlet cache causing memory leak
[LPS-26005] - Password Policy: Warning Time notification (password expration time, grace limit)
[LPS-26047] - Unable to register message listener in slave node unless it is defined in liferay-portlet.xml when enable cluster.
[LPS-26064] - Overriding hibernate cache configurations via plugins causes new configuration to not be reported properly in JMX
[LPS-26069] - Enterprise Calendar - Portlet Views
[LPS-26086] - Events Display portlet does not sync with timezone changes
[LPS-26096] - VerifyCalendar is not working on SyBase
[LPS-26108] - Only the author of the latest published version has the authorisation to add a translation.
[LPS-26118] - Importing LAR for site fails with duplicate file entry when imagemagick.enabled=true
[LPS-26124] - When enable cluster, undeploy a portlet that scheduled a job will make the job deleted in cluster.
[LPS-26132] - Calendar portlet verify process doesn't work with Oracle
[LPS-26186] - Marketplace fails to update an App
[LPS-26231] - Support for Import/Export Site templates
[LPS-26249] - XSS - Weather portlet.
[LPS-26271] - Easyconf always expects properties files to be accessible from the file system
[LPS-26276] - Calendar event shows HTML in the description when event is longer then 3 hours
[LPS-26319] - Internet Explorer 6 & 7 redirects Marketplace to
[LPS-26324] - OrgGroupName in group_ table is appended with repetitive information which causes Data truncation
[LPS-26325] - Cannot view the DDL record in control panel
[LPS-26356] - My Subscriptions Deployment Console Error and Portlet Temporarily Unavailable
[LPS-26382] - Stock portlet can not save preferences and guest preferences.
[LPS-26398] - JDK7 causes Staging to fail
[LPS-26403] - "Control Panel" is not localized
[LPS-26454] - Back link disappear, When define permissions.
[LPS-26467] - Marketplace App context dependency checker is failing to unregister App on uninstall
[LPS-26539] - Ability for Marketplace to resize itself to fit user interactions when size changes
[LPS-26551] - XSS Issues in Metadata Sets.
[LPS-26583] - When exporting a dynamic data list in a CSV format, the chart shows the values instead of the options for Radio and Select fields.
[LPS-26596] - Potential memory leak and security vulnerability through CacheFilter and WebServerServlet
[LPS-26602] - Redirect after login does not encode "?"
[LPS-26631] - Lucene cluster bootup needs explicit lock to guard the window time of switching store
[LPS-26789] - Deploying welcome-theme before resources-importer-web causes the resources importer to not trigger properly
[LPS-26791] - ResourceBlockPermission - Export/Import LAR does not work
[LPS-26842] - HotDeployUtil is not deploying dependencies in the correct class loader
[LPS-26847] - Events Display Portlet's Pagination Does Not Work
[LPS-26855] - Related journal articles without display page don't have a link in the related assets section
[LPS-26863] - Documents & Media missing delete/revert version in Version History
[LPS-26883] - Users shouldn't be able to apply a site template to a site that already contains pages
[LPS-26901] - "Go to Folder" link broke in Activities Feed
[LPS-26922] - DoS in ComboServlet - memory leak
[LPS-26923] - When a guest user navigates to a page with the microblogs portlet deployed, the console will show a PrincipalException error and the portlet will be unavailable
[LPS-26929] - Denial of service vulnerability with the portlet cache.
[LPS-26930] - Reconfigure Liferay to use a remote cache
[LPS-26932] - Core portlets' InvokerPortletImpl.getPortletClassLoader() should return PortalClassLoader
[LPS-26935] - All JSON web services are accessible without authentication.
[LPS-26940] - Users without the ASSIGN_MEMBER permission can still assign users to an organization
[LPS-26946] - Welcome Theme displaying incorrectly using Resource Importer
[LPS-26970] - All plugins accessible in exclusive state
[LPS-26983] - Large amounts of data in portlet preferences can lead to a deadlock during upgrade
[LPS-27014] - Plugin JSON WS services are not aware of portal session
[LPS-27021] - E-mail address null check is broken
[LPS-27031] - Instant messenger names, MSN and YM are incorrect
[LPS-27035] - Page with .html in the friendly url get's cached in browser due to filters
[LPS-27049] - Scopes in Page Templates are not kept when creating pages
[LPS-27051] - Infinite Redirect Loop when changing Friendly URL under Site URL settings
[LPS-27097] - Asset publisher RSS feeds do not support basic auth
[LPS-27114] - Inconsistent when deleting a notificacion
[LPS-27125] - processAction method not invoked if url refers to different page
[LPS-27139] - Getting layouts from LayoutLocalServiceUtil calls a remote service and throws a PrincipalException
[LPS-27157] - When creating an organization site with a site template, an option to disable propagation of changes should be provided
[LPS-27168] - On a message board portlet missing variable in the definition of terms: [$MESSAGE_URL$]
[LPS-27169] - LayoutAction.processPortletRequest() should not create InvokerPortlet for render phase
[LPS-27177] - Allow permissionsURL to be scoped by resourceGroupId
[LPS-27190] - NPE in case site hasn't visible pages
[LPS-27191] - Typo in prevents MySQL from upgrading Kaleo
[LPS-27195] - When creating a page using a page template there should be a checkbox to choose whether to propagate changes or not
[LPS-27196] - Fixing PermissionCacheUtil.getResourceBlockIdsBag paramater order
[LPS-27209] - so-hook and so-portlet webapps folders do not get deleted during undeployment
[LPS-27230] - CLONE - Virtual Host field in Portal Settings Causes 404 on first session action
[LPS-27234] - Exception in setup wizard causes recursive exceptions and hides the real exception
[LPS-27266] - Guest user can export WebForm portlet data
[LPS-27280] - xss vulnerability in upload_progress_poller
[LPS-27281] - xss vulnerability in ckeditor.jsp
[LPS-27282] - xss issue in currency converter
[LPS-27283] - xss issue in blog
[LPS-27321] - Jackrabbit deadlock due to non thread-safe implementations of StringIndex
[LPS-27339] - Private messaging portlet fails if a message exists of a deleted user
[LPS-27341] - GRP Calendar - Global resources need to automatically have VIEW permission
[LPS-27355] - DLSyncs are not being filtered for permissions
[LPS-27399] - JBoss AS 7.1.1 does not longer honoring Log4j level settings
[LPS-27403] - Fix for LPS-18184 is insufficient
[LPS-27412] - ModelContextTag does not properly clear the model when set to null
[LPS-27418] - XML Merger is not properly sorting child elements for the "servlet" element
[LPS-27434] - LiferayLoggerAdapter - wrong formatting of Object[] arguments
[LPS-27436] - Unable to search for categories in admin
[LPS-27453] - StringUtil.shorten method doesn't work properly
[LPS-27483] - Files with UTF-8 filenames cannot be downloaded in JBoss AS 7
[LPS-27490] - PNG Fix for IE6 can make the browser unresponsive on first hit
[LPS-27517] - When the Portal Administrator creates new web content the default for Show Borders is checked.
[LPS-27528] - Lucene cluster bootup should provide a valid local last generation number
[LPS-27547] - Very large LAR files can be lost just at the very end of export due to OutOfMemoryException
[LPS-27549] - Themes should be able to specify whether displaying the site title is supported and to set whether it should be shown by default or not
[LPS-27551] - Manual reindex lucene index files cluster loading needs to happen after all async reindex jobs finish
[LPS-27588] - Fix Weblogic ant tasks
[LPS-27613] - Incorrect Web Service URL in build-client ant target for plugins
[LPS-27621] - Allow resource importer to create blank pages using the sitemap.json file
[LPS-27630] - Portal does not show the Help Mode Portlet menu without borders
[LPS-27645] - MethodCache is not thread safe
[LPS-27649] - Web Content with structures and templates won't display the images using the resource importer
[LPS-27650] - Add ability for InlineSQLHelper to specify a custom group id column
[LPS-27658] - Default logger paths for* in portal-log4j.xml had the wrong category (typo)
[LPS-27665] - XSS issue in Knowledge base comments
[LPS-27668] - Able to delete anyone's comments in Knowledge base
[LPS-27669] - Able to edit anyone's comments in Knowledge base
[LPS-27670] - Able to download any Article's attachments
[LPS-27672] - Adding non-ajaxable portlets to a page doesn't work for struts portlets
[LPS-27674] - Able to call action, serve resource of any plugin anywhere
[LPS-27675] - XSS issue in Software Catalog
[LPS-27693] - Deleting CMIS repository from Documents and Media portlet throws exception
[LPS-27694] - Maven version discrepancy in property name not consistent in
[LPS-27704] - Can not save default values for a structure with required fields not filling all the required fields
[LPS-27705] - XSS issues in wall portlet
[LPS-27707] - XSS in cdn_host
[LPS-27708] - Organizational sites do not sort alphabetically in the control panel
[LPS-27711] - Encryptor.decrypt can choke if you pass in a null key
[LPS-27723] - When Asset Publisher is configured to filter based on Content Structures, these selections are lost when the site is published to remote
[LPS-27735] - Publishing of DDL form placed on a staging page fails to properly publish the DDM, DDL, and DDL form to production
[LPS-27739] - Site admins without Control Panel access cannot manage page or site pages
[LPS-27756] - UserAtomCollectionAdapter and JournalArticleAtomCollectionProvider use local services instead of remote
[LPS-27772] - Able to fill up server disk space with MinifierFilter
[LPS-27790] - Translator Portlet Broken
[LPS-27794] - BlogsEntryTrashHandlerTest.testTrashAndRestoreApproved() is failing
[LPS-27801] - Use json.service.auth.token check only for portal session authentication
[LPS-27828] - Improve social friend's activity query
[LPS-27846] - FileUtil.getShortFileName() does not work for some inputs
[LPS-27859] - FileUtil.getPath() causes exception if the input doesn't contain a path
[LPS-27864] - Password reset link not valid when reset ticket max age is set to eternal
[LPS-27881] - ServiceBuilder and SourceFormatter sometimes run out of memory
[LPS-27916] - XSS in portlet success message
[LPS-27928] - PortletURLImpl.shortenURL removes non nested redirect parameters
[LPS-27930] - NullPointerException in AssetPublisher's RSSAction
[LPS-27934] - Document Library Repository Remote Staging causes Principal Exception
[LPS-27937] - Plugin table upgrade fails when new table is added
[LPS-27944] - Stackoverflow error in LiferayPortlet/MVCPortlet
[LPS-27955] - Knowledge Base Articles do not display right after they have been added
[LPS-27966] - KB attachment path manipulation
[LPS-27970] - Removing a page in Manage Pages always redirects to Mobile Rule Groups
[LPS-27994] - XSS vulnerability on Document Library Types
[LPS-27995] - Special character <> " '& should be escaped in DDL portlet
[LPS-28001] - Cannot create users with root@ and postmaster@ email address
[LPS-28067] - [Save and Continue] button will remove localization changes in WC Structure/Template
[LPS-28078] - latest welcome theme breaks when you hit any page
[LPS-28079] - Need to update links to Plugin Installer to Marketplace when possible
[LPS-28085] - Different permission requirements for same actions in Manage Pages and Navigation
[LPS-28103] - Unable to load SASS when working directory is not $CATALIINA_HOME/bin
[LPS-28109] - commons-io.jar and commons-fileupload.jar dependencies are not being copied for jsf, liferay_faces_alloy, primefaces, and richfaces
[LPS-28119] - Move CamelCaseUtil to portal kernel
[LPS-28120] - Add support to Role services to getResourceBlockRoles
[LPS-28153] - Portal still copy user group layout even if set
[LPS-28171] - Document & Media search results from the Search Portlet don't show in Documents & Media Display
[LPS-28210] - PACL: Deploying test-pacl-portlet does not allow adding of blog entries
[LPS-28222] - Able to DOS server and keep it down
[LPS-28238] - Suffix on aui-input's should display after the label when inlineLabel is set to "right"
[LPS-28249] - PortalHibernateConfiguration/PortletHibernateConfiguration should release ClassLoader reference on destroy
[LPS-28250] - BaseAsyncDestination should shutdown attach ThreadPoolExecutor on close
[LPS-28251] - Finalize Thread should use global Classloader as context ClassLoader rather than pick it up from parent Thread
[LPS-28252] - ThreadPoolExecutor WorkerTask release reference to first task asap to prevent resource leaking
[LPS-28253] - MessageBus default response destination should use SynchronousDestination to prevent creating new MessageBus Thread under MessageBus Thread which could cause AccessContext leak when SecurityManager present
[LPS-28257] - Interwiki-Links are not working using JSPWiki-Engine
[LPS-28260] - Marketplace - Make transaction between the Marketplace server and installation more fault tolerant
[LPS-28266] - Upgrade*.java should not call long count = rs.getLong(1) but instead should call int count = rs.getInt(1)
[LPS-28276] - Make resource block allocation race condition safe
[LPS-28285] - Import/Export process should check that available languages at origin are included at available languages at target.
[LPS-28289] - Unique IDs don't take namespaces into account
[LPS-28290] - Resetting a Site Template overwrites customized contents with the original ones
[LPS-25146] - The view and edit view of web contents in workflow tasks is inconsistent/inaccurate
[LPS-25157] - Update to Vaadin 6.7.4
[LPS-25164] - Upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.25
[LPS-25201] - Add JSON WebService invoker action for batching calls and merging results
[LPS-25240] - kernel's PrefsPropsUtil missing api for passing in default value
[LPS-25263] - Property to limit the number of sessions
[LPS-25273] - Visual and messages improvements for page revisions in workflow
[LPS-25302] - Deprecate liferay-aui.tld to aui.tld
[LPS-25303] - Avoid uncessary regex matching
[LPS-25336] - Allow servlet filters to be enabled/disabled dynamicall from a hook
[LPS-25357] - Provide url to configure recaptcha
[LPS-25464] - Should use ExceptionInInitializerError instead of RuntimeException in static initialization.
[LPS-25524] - Add default helper method "getClassLoader()" in *ServiceBaseImpl
[LPS-25539] - Cancel Ehcache check update timer
[LPS-25641] - Improvement API for Language to accept Locale in method getTimeDescription
[LPS-25684] - Remove the duplicated prepare call in MonitoringPortlet
[LPS-25715] - Add helper method to multicast transport tool
[LPS-25716] - Refactor InvokerPortlet to use factory pattern rather than prototype pattern to simplify the interface
[LPS-25785] - JSONWS API Docs Improvements
[LPS-25884] - Tool to generate for plugins
[LPS-25972] - Optimize PortletInstanceFactoryImpl
[LPS-26060] - Marketplace should take in to consideration future release processes
[LPS-26114] - Add support to dynamically download JDBC jar file from configured properties if it is not available in the class path
[LPS-26129] - Remove PortletPreferencesLocalUtil
[LPS-26136] - Add DynamicAction/Event/ResourceRequest to mirror DynamicRenderRequest
[LPS-26138] - Upgrade Xuggler to 5.4
[LPS-26145] - Remove unneeded service methods override
[LPS-26160] - Centralize default create/update/delete indexing into aop advice and add support for declaring indexing
[LPS-26197] - Extend functionality of Google Maps Plugin with v3 API
[LPS-26211] - Optimize dynamic requests
[LPS-26283] - Centralize direct servlet processing
[LPS-26321] - PACL
[LPS-26371] - Fix from LPS-13917 is no longer necessary
[LPS-26425] - Delay PortletContextLoaderListener and other parts of portlet servlet context initialization until after required-deployment-contexts are ready
[LPS-26445] - ReleaseInfo needs to know the parent build number
[LPS-26453] - Add more debug message in JSON WebServices
[LPS-26563] - Autogenerate setClassName since we already generate getClassName for ServiceBuilder entities that have a "classNameId" column
[LPS-26573] - Update License Manager in Control Panel
[LPS-26804] - Allow configuring Audio Preview bit and sample rates
[LPS-26854] - Tomcat doesn't output errors if there is a filter or servlet error on startup
[LPS-26905] - Add safer looseDeserialize that ignores type information from the json strings
[LPS-26915] - Make uniform key for JSON methods cache in JSONServiceAction
[LPS-26972] - Any Password should be valid when configuring the Setup Wizard
[LPS-26988] - Communicate to Marketplace to see if hot deploy is enabled
[LPS-27023] - Add Node.compactSafe helper method
[LPS-27040] - Refactor to avoid reflection
[LPS-27053] - Remove extraneous logging
[LPS-27058] - Deprecate XyzUtil.setPersistence and setService
[LPS-27094] - Prevent HTML tags at page meta content for calendar events
[LPS-27107] - Allow themes to contain compile Java classes
[LPS-27118] - Add HotDeploy detection for Jetty
[LPS-27136] - A more robust way to ensure that dependent servlet context listeners are loaded after their parent is loaded
[LPS-27148] - Upgrade Jodd library to version 3.3.3
[LPS-27152] - Upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.27
[LPS-27171] - Upgrade to Glassfish 3.1.2
[LPS-27173] - Upgrade to JBoss 7.1.1
[LPS-27175] - Upgrade to JOnAS 5.2.3
[LPS-27200] - Upgrade to Jetty 7.6.3
[LPS-27204] - Upgrade to Resin 4.0.27
[LPS-27238] - Spring configurations in portlets should work without having access to the portal class loader
[LPS-27272] - Upgrade to Hibernate 3.6.10
[LPS-27273] - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.7
[LPS-27278] - Update Alloy to support new Calendar views
[LPS-27285] - PathUtil helper class to convert unix and windows paths
[LPS-27307] - Rename JavaProps to JavaDetector
[LPS-27353] - SessionErrors and SessionMessages should have helper methods that take in the Class object as key, since we use that so much.
[LPS-27395] - BaseModel.getExpandoBridge() should not be cached
[LPS-27492] - Group getDescriptiveName logic should be in GroupLocalServiceImpl so that it can be overridden by a hook
[LPS-27590] - Geronimo supports unpacked wars without a .war extension
[LPS-27616] - Improve page delta implementation for blog portlet
[LPS-27627] - Add CLI support for deploying WebSphere
[LPS-27628] - theme-plugin sass resources are sometimes cached even when is enabled
[LPS-27632] - Improve the way the categories path are shown to the user
[LPS-27651] - Automatically convert app.server.*.dir to absolute paths, and also automatically create app.server.*.dir.unix that is an absolute path in unix format
[LPS-27657] - Use wsadmin so that Liferay running on WebSphere will support hot deploy
[LPS-27690] - IncludeTag._do* methods should be protected so that subclasses can leverage them
[LPS-27807] - Standardize custom SQL finders to have a space after IN( and to not use the ..IDS$] but to use ID$]
[LPS-27853] - Add support to set build number and to turn off increment to ServiceBuilder
[LPS-27889] - Upgrade to lates Jodd (3.3.4)
[LPS-27895] - Improve logging in Document Library
[LPS-27936] - Upgrade Jets3t.jar to latest version
[LPS-27952] - Password Policy should be hookable
[LPS-27987] - Web content validation should be more clear with reasons for failure
[LPS-28004] - Rename ConcurectLRUFiilter to LFU
[LPS-28014] - Resources Importer Define page as hidden in sitemap.json
[LPS-28073] - Move app server logic to build-dist.xml from build.xml
[LPS-28092] - Move com.liferay.util.UniqueList to com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.UniqueList so that portal-service\* has access to it
[LPS-28197] - Improve the configuration of Breadcrumb portlet
[LPS-28218] - documentation for monitoring
[LPS-28274] - Don't add pacl protection to portal impl classes
[LPS-28281] - PACL utilities should use ProxyUtil rather than Proxy for better concurrency
[LPS-28752] - Helper method LocalizationUtil#getLocalizationMap that will return a map from a resource bundle name
[LPS-28763] - Put a comment in the DTD for liferay-plugin-package*.dtd to use instead of the xml for Marketplace plugins
[LPS-28821] - Liferay Package Deployer should interface with Marketplace portlet
[LPS-28823] - Allow Marketplace to update (supersede) cross Apps
[LPS-28853] - Provisions for upgrading Marketplace through the web interface
[LPS-28872] - Ace rich editor not working in IE
[LPS-28915] - Improve sorting in language properties files
[LPS-29185] - Add "support-url" to plugins summary
[LPS-29410] - Unchecked the "Use Shipping Formula" checkbox to avoid the confusion
New Feature
[LPS-25061] - Enterprise Calendar - Service Layer
[LPS-25688] - Add optional user authentication for old and new JSON api
[LPS-26066] - Create test portlet for automating testing of portal and hibernate cache overrides from a plugin
[LPS-26609] - Add servers HotDeploy detector for Tomcat
[LPS-27576] - Add HotDeploy detection for Glassfish
[LPS-27782] - Enable building services for target entity only
[LPS-28057] - Add support to liferay-plugins/portlets/build.xml for various JSF portlet templates
[LPS-28058] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_liferay_faces_alloy_tmpl project template
[LPS-28060] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_icefaces_tmpl project template
[LPS-28061] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_primefaces_tmpl project template
[LPS-28062] - Add new liferay-plugins/tools/portlet_richfaces_tmpl project template
[LPS-29261] - Compatibility client for backports to 6.1
Regression Bug
[LPS-7083] - Unable to add a user after given permissions to do so
[LPS-8165] - HTML elements viewed in 'Activities Portlet' are being escaped.
[LPS-18812] - After creating a page template, the first time its page is edited an error occurs and the page friendly URL is changed
[LPS-19328] - Drag n Drop of doesnt work with showborders=false and portlettitle is empty
[LPS-20519] - permission error:after define a permission to a page,guest and all users still can see it.
[LPS-21606] - The page was still visible for guest when the guest without view permission.
[LPS-21997] - Null Comments are successfully posted as an ellipsis
[LPS-22736] - Pin the Dockbar function works only on one page.
[LPS-22900] - Localizable images disappear on first web content save
[LPS-23238] - Portlets - there is no "Do you want to remove this component" message
[LPS-23297] - Bookmark entry count does not change after a bookmark is moved
[LPS-23779] - A site member cannot post a root level thread in Message Boards portlet view.
[LPS-23873] - Republishing a web content article with an image with localized content results in losing the image.
[LPS-24320] - Users are forced to reindex when deploying 7cogs hook
[LPS-24524] - Exception thrown when undeploying Mail portlet in Tomcat
[LPS-24556] - Not escaped url for the logo image
[LPS-24580] - Users are not correctly sorted in Control Panel
[LPS-24617] - Guest user is unable to view a page created with any of the page templates
[LPS-24639] - Query String is displayed HTML-encoded
[LPS-24697] - Comment Permissions - a user cannot edit / delete his own comments and cannot edit / delete the comments of other users if given the permission to do so
[LPS-24712] - Redirect parameter causes errors by calling portlet actions multiple times
[LPS-24722] - aui:option tag only accepts Strings as label and value parameters
[LPS-24778] - User Groups - Disabling propagation for site template and then saving causes a NPE and User Groups is unavailable error. Site Template does not save.
[LPS-24816] - Accessing User's content from dockbar shows stack trace
[LPS-24849] - Category search result doesn't show vocabulary and parent category names
[LPS-24865] - Error when adding a user group
[LPS-24882] - Client-side error message "data is undefined"
[LPS-24899] - Web content title doesn't save localized translations
[LPS-24921] - Creating an organization community site causes an Illegal State Exception
[LPS-24935] - Comments that are edited to be null are successfully posted as an ellipsis
[LPS-24971] - User is unable to change his/her password
[LPS-24987] - Completed workflow tasks ordering is not consistent between MySQL 5 and PostgreSQL 8.
[LPS-24988] - Newly added Message Board threads are placed at the top of the list instead of the bottom when using kaleo with PostgreSQL 8
[LPS-24991] - Precompilation is ineffective because DirectServletRegistry changes timestamps on JSPs
[LPS-25006] - Unable to edit an event to repeat monthly and yearly
[LPS-25011] - Dynamic Data Lists: Adding a record in spreadsheet view creates an extra row and data is not saved properly
[LPS-25028] - Web Content: Cannot upload image to a web content article
[LPS-25036] - System incorrectly displays error message when editing "My Account"
[LPS-25038] - Web content will not allow you to upload a script template file
[LPS-25059] - List templates are not being displayed for selection in Dynamic Data List Display portlet
[LPS-25060] - Adding a phone number results in a status 500 error
[LPS-25063] - No success message when withdrawing a submission
[LPS-25072] - Creating a Calendar event that repeats monthly or yearly on a numbered day causes some features of the Calendar portlet's display to break
[LPS-25090] - Documents and Media - Unable to move shortcuts
[LPS-25131] - Social Activity portlet doesn't display any options other than category
[LPS-25135] - Replies to emails are not showing up in message boards
[LPS-25156] - User is forced to login after clicking "Go to Portal" in Setup Wizard
[LPS-25183] - DB Upgrade - Oracle - Throws Exceptions in the console and server stops due to unexpected startup errors - 5.2.3, 6.0.6 to 6.1.x, 6.2.x
[LPS-25184] - DB Upgrade - Sybase - "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'alter'." error and server stops due to unexpected startup errors - 5.2.3, 6.0.6, 6.0.12 to 6.1.x, 6.2.x
[LPS-25206] - Scheduled remote publish fails with NullPointerException in LayoutsRemotePublisherMessageListener.doReceive
[LPS-25208] - Publishing web content to live with documents causes NoSuchFileEntryException
[LPS-25219] - NullpointerException when enabling Remote Staging
[LPS-25222] - Manage Site pages behaves as Manage Page
[LPS-25241] - User can not go to "My Public Pages" and "My Private Pages" in home page
[LPS-25244] - Activate staging with Web Content containing image creates NoSuchFileEntryException
[LPS-25249] - Documents can not be moved when Staging is enabled
[LPS-25250] - Editing a document folder from asset publisher does not work
[LPS-25251] - Moving a document to another folder in Staging and publishing to live won't move it in Live
[LPS-25259] - Kaleo: Clicking on My Workflow Tasks results in an error
[LPS-25277] - Abstract display is inconsistent between Blog portlet and Asset publisher
[LPS-25290] - The sevencogs-theme throws a error and displays only a app server error page
[LPS-25300] - Don't receive the message from email reply message
[LPS-25320] - Documentum Hook compile errors
[LPS-25328] - Sharepoint Hook compile error
[LPS-25341] - Gibberish shown attempting to manage a site page from control panel
[LPS-25367] - Error when saving content after modifying its translation
[LPS-25377] - Deploying the Youtube portlet causes a SRVE0190E: File not found:/ youtube-portlet/css/main.css error
[LPS-25387] - [Browse file] field width increases with browser width.
[LPS-25389] - WCM: Special characters are not saved properly in the database
[LPS-25400] - Null point exception at shutdown in JBoss 7.0.2
[LPS-25419] - Non-ascii characters (like cyrillic letters) translated into ? in json web service
[LPS-25422] - Console error when adding a document in repository
[LPS-25458] - Importing a Site LAR does not import site preferences
[LPS-25479] - Permission about discussion under Document Library Shortcut does not work
[LPS-25489] - Missing "Assign Users" button for Organizations.
[LPS-25491] - Checking in a document causes console error
[LPS-25503] - D&M PDF Preview Zoom does not work as guest user
[LPS-25508] - Tomcat throw error message, When go to Users and Organizations.
[LPS-25525] - User Groups - No User Groups show up when trying to assign a User Group to a User
[LPS-25528] - Custom Fields - Unable to add a custom field and a NoSuchResourceActionException occurs in the console
[LPS-25647] - Plugins cannot be installed via Plugin Installer
[LPS-25877] - Search portlet returns results that should not appear
[LPS-26002] - Personal Pages inherited from a User Group can not be viewed by Guest users
[LPS-26062] - Asset publisher portlet with enabled permissions shows or not depending on first asset permissions
[LPS-26444] - Jonas Startup Exceptions, does not allow Liferay to start.
[LPS-26509] - Changing child page display order is not working properly
[LPS-26651] - Deploying WSRP results in console errors
[LPS-26657] - Exceptions when posting on microblogs portlet in Weblogic 10.3.2
[LPS-26658] - Liferay does not work in WebSphere 7
[LPS-26680] - Tasks plugin portlet: when the user creates a task and assigns it to himself, the task does not display in the Assigned to Me screen
[LPS-26750] - When every page is hidden bottom_js.jspf breaks
[LPS-26757] - User is unable to add DDL records using spreadsheet view
[LPS-26948] - SO Hook does not compile
[LPS-27258] - Staging: Importing a LAR when Staging/Enable On Public Page is flagged causes console errors
[LPS-27287] - Unable to publish to live causing "You do not have the roles required to access this portlet."
[LPS-27299] - Log levels are not redirecting properly
[LPS-27359] - My Private Pages: User is unable to add a Page via Dockbar when using a full data database
[LPS-27460] - Can not rate a Message Board Post with a thumbs down.
[LPS-27497] - Exceptions on deploying layout template plugins
[LPS-27721] - Can't add new page.
[LPS-27743] - Kaleo plugin fails to compile in 6.1.x CE
[LPS-27745] - Cannot click through to page added by Add Page
[LPS-27800] - Viewing checked out file results in PrincipalException
[LPS-27812] - "20" is the only option for Maximum Items to Display under Blogs Display Settings
[LPS-27816] - Organizations - "Do not have the required permissions" error message after a user updates an organization
[LPS-27869] - Bookmark portlet exceptions when viewed as Guest user
[LPS-27880] - Language key does have the corresponding value.
[LPS-27897] - SharepointServlet improperly handling spaces in folders
[LPS-27957] - Kaleo plugin does not fully deploy
[LPS-27974] - Sharding does not work on startup.
[LPS-27978] - User is unable to add attachments
[LPS-28017] - Cannot compile 61x EE and 61x CE.
[LPS-28033] - Document and Media + JBoss: Adding a JPG to Documents and Media causes console errors
[LPS-28037] - Can not add a user using the JSON API.
[LPS-28038] - Regular user cannot view portlets of the first page of a Community Site once staging is activated
[LPS-28042] - NPE when user adds nested portlet, cannot render nested portlet
[LPS-28068] - Cannot add JavaScript to a site when the logo is changed
[LPS-28071] - Adding Sample DAO portlet to page induces exceptions
[LPS-28110] - Knowledge Base plugin fails to compile in 6.1.x CE
[LPS-28112] - Web Content localization does not work correctly when adding a translation
[LPS-28149] - Cannot view Home page under My Private Pages in a full database using DB2
[LPS-28209] - Null pointer exceptions when starting the portal with non root context
[LPS-28311] - Document Library document checkout never times out
[LPS-28393] - SQL Server 2005/2008 DB upgrade - 6.0.11 to 6.1.x causes UpgradeException
[LPS-28408] - Go to Remote Live link is broken.
[LPS-28452] - No validation when creating web content without a template
[LPS-28457] - IE 9 - Audio will continue to play after closing slideshow overlay in Media Gallery
[LPS-28460] - Sample Drools - does not display entries for a user that have tags that include a space
[LPS-28479] - Editing a template in velocity fails to update on the article
[LPS-28514] - Console error after uploading a pic in Documents and Media in JBoss
[LPS-28527] - JBoss - Cannot mount an Alfresco CMIS repository
[LPS-28554] - Pages are not copied when creating a new site from a site template
[LPS-28599] - Searching for Blogs Entry Titles does not work in SOLR
[LPS-28601] - Unable view DDL record
[LPS-28693] - Unable to assign workflow per folder per document type
[LPS-28724] - Default DDMStructures creation is not aware of portal available locales
[LPS-28769] - Blank required field in metadata type crashes Documents and Media portlet
[LPS-28801] - Selecting a web content article does not show up on a scoped paged
[LPS-28803] - Wurfl-Web hot deploy results in NPE
[LPS-28804] - Adding the Web Form Portlet to a page causes NPE
[LPS-28805] - Plugins that call PortletProps will fail on deployment
[LPS-28824] - sample-drools-portlet outputting errors when added and viewed
[LPS-28830] - Activites portlet entry does not properly display user's name when Wiki FrontPage is written
[LPS-28833] - RSS not importing
[LPS-28850] - Importing LARs for Various Portlets will throw Exceptions.
[LPS-28851] - Categories - No success message when deleting a category and category remains until page is refreshed
[LPS-24408] - Web Form: form fields modifications aren't refreshed after changing their order and save
[LPS-24612] - Global structure and templates are able to be deleted despite community/organization using the global structure and template
[LPS-24702] - Import Layouts fails for JRockit / JDK7
[LPS-24719] - Activities Portlet share configuration javascript widget doesn't work
[LPS-24752] - Subscribing to wiki portlet causes invalid path request
[LPS-24779] - Web Proxy portlet ignores custom contextPath
[LPS-24828] - Clicking RSS Feed link in My Subscriptions for the Top Level subscription throws an XML error
[LPS-24835] - Remote Publish not publishing all levels of Child Pages
[LPS-24850] - Fresh install with Microsoft SQLSERVER 2000 And Liferay Portal 6.1 GA1 broken
[LPS-24957] - Unable to translate title and description in WCM
[LPS-24968] - Asset publisher filtered shows all tagged results if user has permission for one
[LPS-24989] - Selecting "delete portlet data before importing" when importing WSRP portlet data causes all existing WSRP portlets to be undeployed
[LPS-24996] - Problem with page icons when staging enabled
[LPS-25010] - LDAP user password import setting behavior
[LPS-25049] - PortalClassInvoker does not handle primitive types
[LPS-25057] - Handling of ResourceAction name attribute could cause deploying issues
[LPS-25084] - Classloading issue with rome.jar property
[LPS-25087] - Unable to revert Wiki article with symbols in title
[LPS-25119] - Embedded assets lose their tags/categories during stagings
[LPS-25130] - Webdav does not work correctly with JCR
[LPS-25152] - Organizations are viewable across portal instances
[LPS-25204] - SOAP addUser service can insert invalid data
[LPS-25207] - "Thumbs" rating of Message Board invokes a render phase of a Widget on too many JavaScript statements
[LPS-25228] - Web content does not get expired for non-default shards
[LPS-25248] - A sendRedirect call in a portlet dynamically added causes NullPointerException
[LPS-25276] - In IE7 look and feel popup window doesn't cover the links behind
[LPS-25281] - Lower-case system indices will cause an upgrade to fail on SQL Server
[LPS-25295] - No permissions to login if all pages in group is not viewable to guests
[LPS-25316] - Saving an empty source URL for an Iframe causes redirect error in Internet explorer
[LPS-25335] - Flash Player controls not visible for videos in pre-HTML5 browsers without fullscreen or right-click
[LPS-25380] - Form parameters should not be namespaced
[LPS-25394] - When using JNDI to bind mail session and jdbc, allow for provision of a user name and password
[LPS-25399] - could autogenerate invalid screen names
[LPS-25401] - team permissions page is not available for custom roles
[LPS-25421] - Saving a layout revision from revision history results in duplicate Main Page Variations
[LPS-25450] - Adding a new page fetches huge result set
[LPS-25518] - DLFileRank related exception when accessing Document Library
[LPS-25531] - Global search could result in opening of MB in wrong context causing wrong groupIds when replying
[LPS-25705] - Hook not fully undeployed from AuthPipeline
[LPS-25793] - Memory jobs of scheduler are triggered by more than one nodes when using cluster at the same time, it should be triggered by one node.
[LPS-25797] - JS: Liferay.Service object calls a method which might not have been loaded
[LPS-25823] - Custom Role Unable to view the Permissions Section for Team's Actions, only Administrators Can
[LPS-25887] - Calendar portlet is broken. When upgrade from 523 to 61 or 62.
[LPS-25900] - CKEditor breaks external links on resaving mediawiki format wiki page
[LPS-26056] - CKEditor generates invalid links to documents when portal.proxy.path is set
[LPS-26074] - Update Google Maps plugin to version 3 of the Maps Javascript API
[LPS-26260] - Support for Export/Import Page Templates
[LPS-26303] - Removal of group associations is not passed to LDAP
[LPS-26352] - NullPointerException in Wiki
[LPS-26375] - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.jdbc.OutputBlob cannot be cast to oracle.sql.BLOB
[LPS-26414] - Alerts portlet: The user can not create new entry despite the fact that you have permission.
[LPS-26438] - index IX_8D83D0CE in 5.2 is unique, but in 6.1 is not unique - causes upgrade issues
[LPS-26439] - Forked media conversion processes don't expose env properties
[LPS-26707] - Ajax renderring should use random js namespace id
[LPS-26827] - Kaleo-Web cause error message, When using category-specific-definition.xml and category.
[LPS-26993] - sessionId could be stolen by XSS
[LPS-27025] - Possible NPE in TZSRecurrence
[LPS-27116] - Regular user should be allowed to add an announcement to their own created site
[LPS-27318] - Rating can be corrupted as score value is not validated
[LPS-27356] - Adding an asset via Asset Publisher requires "Go to Control Panel" permission
[LPS-27407] - Default text password imported through LDAP allows users to sign in with any password
[LPS-27419] - There is public Cache-Control header for file download
[LPS-27420] - XSS issue in downloading file through webdav url
[LPS-27430] - Guest cannot view DDL form or add new DDL record
[LPS-27441] - menu position is off in Chrome and Safari
[LPS-27608] - Wrong permission checking for managing personal site pages
[LPS-27679] - Unexpected success message in fast login portlet after commenting as guest
[LPS-27682] - RepositoryReport is not serializable
[LPS-27697] - Add attachments in Wiki Display got "Invalid authentication token" exception
[LPS-27724] - Solr-web-plugin doesn't get snippets from the localized fields and provides incosistent results in case of searches from other locales for terms occured only in the default-locale version of a Web Content
[LPS-27737] - Inline permission check causes exception with a high number of resource blocks
[LPS-27836] - Unable to save Kaleo Notifications for Task if Role is defined to be notified.
[LPS-27851] - DirectServletRegistryImpl throws ClassCastException when Liferay runs on Tomcat 7.0.16 and before
[LPS-27948] - Fail to publish event as the processAction method is not invoked if 'link to page' is configured and the user is logged out
[LPS-27956] - Polls portlet results display is off
[LPS-27973] - Can not access document with groupId folderId fileName if file name contains "+"
[LPS-28053] - createDocumentFromSource is not supported by the AtomPub binding
[LPS-28076] - Files modified in document library by different users do not reflect changes in "Last updated by" property.
[LPS-28105] - Import fails when an article's default language is not available
[LPS-28114] - Disable users from storing usernames and passwords in browser
[LPS-28118] - Editing the web-content portlet of Site should not carry over into the Site template
[LPS-28123] - Locking staging processes
[LPS-28127] - Uploading a file against a load balancer that doesn't use sticky sessions will most likely fail
[LPS-28132] - Fix view_question.jsp and view_question_results.jspf to prevent XSS in Polls Portlet
[LPS-28140] - Web content List links with a expired version of a web content
[LPS-28145] - Alert message for page using a site template goes away after refresh
[LPS-28170] - Creole doesn't support linking to Wiki attachments
[LPS-28195] - In the search portlet the previous button forgets the current page and always goes to the first page
[LPS-28225] - Wiki Creole Editor lose focus when clicked in IE8
[LPS-28227] - Blog Aggregator portlet throws an exception for users who have been deleted
[LPS-28229] - Announcements mark as read doesn't work properly in IE6
[LPS-28258] - Site Roles are being removed using updateUser service method of Portal_User
[LPS-28279] - Look-and-feel show borders should be a three state switch
[LPS-28336] - Membership assignment won't work if a user doesn't have any organization.
[LPS-28345] - Rewritten URLs are broken on staged/versioned pages
[LPS-28364] - Asset Publisher Performance Problem
[LPS-28404] - Make Basic and Advanced searches for Journal Articles able to add the right localized fields to the queries
[LPS-28406] - Modify Solr-web-plugin to store and use localized fields similarly to Lucene
[LPS-28426] - Liferay only considers the first language in the Accept-Language header field
[LPS-28428] - When used Creole image dimensions are not reflected in the source of the Wiki article.
[LPS-28436] - A user with inherited private pages from a user group cannot access the pages
[LPS-28494] - DefaultScreenNameGenerator replaces all digits by dots when creating user screen name
[LPS-28500] - Cannot select a Document in Web Content Portlet when its title contains single quote
[LPS-28568] - Related Assets portlet configuration "Filter" by Tags missing buttons and does not work
[LPS-28582] - Quoted message is not created correctly when the user of the quoted message has brackets in his name
[LPS-28605] - Mobile Device Rule "AnyOS" sees Windows as a mobile if WURFL plugin installed
[LPS-28614] - When using Creole editor Images are resizable in IE and FF by the clicking on the image and use the controls for resize
[LPS-28624] - Wiki pre tags bug in Creole
[LPS-28632] - JSPWikiEngine inserts extra escape characters into the URL
[LPS-28638] - LDAP failure to close NamingEnumeration causing thread locks
[LPS-28641] - LDAP import performance impacted by repeated import.
[LPS-28654] - LPS-28654 Make JavaScriptCompressor OPTIONS configurable in
[LPS-28669] - pop-up move out from the browser's visible part
[LPS-28703] - If user is removed from a Site his Team membership remains
[LPS-28713] - DocLib Generating Raw Metadata When It Should Not
[LPS-28719] - Add support in StripFilter for deprecated language attribute as part of <script> tag
[LPS-28726] - If is set then url parameters and redirects are overridden by layout's url
[LPS-28729] - Simplify VerifyPermission for algorithms 1-5
[LPS-28733] - When a web content article references a document library file from another site, it may break on import if the site already contains a file with the same name in the same target folder
[LPS-28786] - Asset Publisher - Change from expired version of Web Content to previous approved version is not instantaneous
[LPS-28845] - ClassCastException thrown on SQL Server upgrade for getBoolean on numeric type
[LPS-28857] - Search not returning the right permissions
[LPS-28882] - Taiwanese language is mapped to ThaiAnalyzer in Lucene, should be mapped to CJKAnalyzer
[LPS-29126] - Omniadmin isn't able to change user password when the changeable equals false in PasswordPolicy
[LPS-1238] - Need option to add multiple calenders
[LPS-20490] - Resin 4.0.19>4.0.20 requires JDK6
[LPS-24666] - Page Customizations fail to save
[LPS-24668] - Page Customization inconsistency
[LPS-25689] - Improving execution of the unit and integration tests
[LPS-26865] - Re-factor the deployment process so that it can be altered on a per instance basis (by passing along an event context)
[LPS-26866] - Define bundle organization in main source tree
[LPS-27716] - Remove listeners which will be re-implemented in the framework
[LPS-27718] - Add bundle logging support
[LPS-28270] - Make resource importer web work with unexploded wars
[LPS-28271] - Deploying packed plugins to tomcat result in tomcat error
[LPS-28280] - Create temp folders
[LPS-28398] - Web Content Display loses references to global-scoped contents when importing LAR
[LPS-28443] - Improve the MainServletTestExecution listener to be able to run at the same time that the rest of the tests
[LPS-28545] - Make MainServletExecutionListener run on all the platforms