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代码检查工具????? Javascript:  jslint.com ????? HTML:?????????? http://validator.w3.org/???? ?????


????? Javascript:  jslint.com
????? HTML:?????????? http://validator.w3.org/????
????? CSS:???????????? http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
????? JSP:????????????? PMD
????? Java:??????????? PMD/Checkstyle



PMD for Eclipse install instructions
Start Eclipse.
Start the installation procedure : select the Help>Software Updates>Find and Install... menu item.
Select "Search for new features to install" option and click Next.
Click New Remote Site...
Give a name (ie PMD Eclipse Site), enter the URL http://pmd.sourceforge.net/eclipse
Select this new site in the Sites to include in search list and click Next.
Select PMD for Eclipse 3 and Apache Xerces in the "Select the features to install" list and click Next.
Accept the terms of the license agreements and click Next.
Verify that the install location is your Eclipse installation directory, otherwise select the correct one, click Finish.
A warning appear telling the feature is not signed. Ignore and click Install to continue.
Accept to restart the workbench to load PMD into the workbench.
Eclipse is restarted and a PMD welcome page is displayed : the plugin is correctly installed.

??? PMD会自动找到所有System.out.print的语句 
???? PMD会找出不符合命名范规则的变量名,如:
   PMB会找出throws Exception的语句,在开发当中我们应该避免这样的语句出现
