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android Sqlite持久层框架 ORMLite日记 在Eclipse中输出

android Sqlite持久层框架 ORMLite日志 在Eclipse中输出android Sqlite持久层框架 ORMLite日志 在Eclipse

android Sqlite持久层框架 ORMLite日志 在Eclipse中输出

android Sqlite持久层框架 ORMLite日志 在Eclipse中输出





上一次没有解决此框架下在 Eclipse ADT中logCat输出查询日志的问题,官方已说明,默认是没有打开的,只是把创建表的语句打印出来了,这一点确实,于是今天 再试了下 log4j的配置,仍然不行,再看官方文档:



4.3 Android Logging?



The ormlite-android.jar classes define the AndroidLog class which is the Android specific version of ORMLite logging. This class makes calls to the Log.d, Log.i, … methods in the Android API. To see the log output, you will need to use the adb utility to view the log output:?


? adb logcat



Since INFO is the default under Android, only message such as the following will be spit out by default:?


? I/TableUtils( ?254): creating table 'simpledata'

I/TableUtils( ?254): creating index 'simpledata_string_idx' for table

? ?'simpledata

I/TableUtils( ?254): executed create table statement changed 1 rows:

? ?CREATE TABLE `simpledata` (`date` VARCHAR, `id` INTEGER PRIMARY


I/TableUtils( ?254): executed create table statement changed 1 rows:

? ?CREATE INDEX `simpledata_string_idx` ON `simpledata` ( `string` )


To enable more debug information you will want to do something like the following to turn on logging for a particular class:?


adb shell setprop log.tag.StatementExecutor VERBOSE

adb shell setprop log.tag.BaseMappedStatement VERBOSE

adb shell setprop log.tag.MappedCreate VERBOSE


This enables messages such as:?


? D/BaseMappedStatement( ?465): create object using 'INSERT INTO `simpledata`

? ?(`date` ,`string` ,`millis` ,`even` ) VALUES (?,?,?,?)' and 4 args,

? ?changed 1 rows

D/BaseMappedStatement( ?465): assigned id '9' from keyholder to 'id' in

? ?SimpleData object


To enable all debug messages for all ORMLite classes then use the following:?


? adb shell setprop log.tag.ORMLite DEBUG




还是EN文不是很好的原因,按照说明,运行Eclipse的同时,我打开了adb 控制台,在里面执行上面这一句,搞定.


android Sqlite持久层框架 ORMLite日记 在Eclipse中输出

