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修改MAC,没有nvs_map.bin时该怎么做Basically: nvs_map.bin is what is used to set you MAC address, par


Basically: nvs_map.bin is what is used to set you MAC address, part of calibrating, as well as other parameters that I won't get into here (can check out the other posts as I make them if curious). So if your wifi is acting weird, keep having your MAC change, getting calibration errors, etc... check /pds/wifi/ and /system/etc/wifi/ for this bin file. If its not there than this is how you make it:

ini? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?disabled? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?oneshot

Both may work or one of the two, depends on how cranky your phones being. Either way manually execute them via rootexplorer or scriptmanager. After you execute it you'll notice a whole crap load of folders got made in the directory....its fine, take a breath and leave them for now.

