Use dxhrGo;With CTE_s As(Select c.Name, isnull(f.[value],'') As [表说明], a.Column_id As [序号], a.Name As [字段名], b.Name As [类型], case when exists(select 1 from sys.objects where parent_object_id=a.object_id and type=N'PK' and name in (select Name from sys.indexes where index_id in (select indid from dbo.sysindexkeys where ID=a.object_id and colid=a.column_id))) then '√' else '' end As [主键], case when is_identity=1 then '√' else '' end As [标识], case when a.[max_length]=-1 and b.Name!='xml' then 'max/2G' when b.Name='xml' then ' 2^31-1字节/2G' else rtrim(a.[max_length]) end As [占用字节数], ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Precision') As [长度], isnull(ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Scale'),0) As [小数位数], case when a.is_nullable=1 then '√' else '' end As [允许空], isnull(d.text,'') As [默认值], isnull(e.[value],'') As [字段说明], Row_number() Over(Partition By c.Name Order By a.Column_id) As Row From sys.columns As a Left Outer Join sys.types As b on a.user_type_id=b.user_type_id Inner Join sys.objects As c on a.object_id=c.object_id and c.Type='U' Left Outer Join dbo.syscomments As d on a.default_object_id=d.ID Left Outer Join sys.extended_properties As e on e.major_id=c.object_id and e.minor_id=a.Column_id and e.class=1 Left Outer Join sys.extended_properties As f on f.major_id=c.object_id and f.minor_id=0 and f.class=1 Where c.is_ms_shipped=0 And Not Exists (Select 1 From sys.extended_properties Where major_id=c.Object_id And minor_id = 0 And class = 1 And Name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support' ))Select [表名]=Case row When 1 Then Name Else '' End , [表说明], [序号], [字段名], [类型], [主键], [标识], [占用字节数], [长度], [小数位数], [允许空], [默认值], [字段说明] From CTE_s Order By Name,Row