Ruby On Rails 面试系列七,一个面试练习题
Write a Ruby program to first assemble a single set of records by parsing data from 3 different file formats and then display these records sorted in 3 different ways.
DetailsThe DataA record consists of the following 5 fields: last name, first name, gender, date of birth and favorite color. You will be given 3 files, each containing records stored in a different format.
The pipe-delimited file lists each record as follows:
LastName | FirstName | MiddleInitial | Gender | FavoriteColor | DateOfBirth
The comma-delimited file looks like this:
LastName, FirstName, Gender, FavoriteColor, DateOfBirth
And lastly, the space-delimited file:
LastName FirstName MiddleInitial Gender DateOfBirth FavoriteColor
You may assume that the delimiters (commas, pipes and spaces) do not appear anywhere in the data values themselves. Write a Ruby program toread in records from these files and combine them into a single set of records.
Display RequirementsCreate and display 3 different views of the recordset (see a sample here):Output 1 – sorted by gender (females before males) then by last name ascending.Output 2 – sorted by birth date, ascending.Output 3 – sorted by last name, descending.Ensure that fields are displayed in the following order: last name, first name, gender, date of birth, favorite color.Display dates in the format MM/DD/YYYY.Packaging RequirementsPlease package the code in a zip or tar archive when you send it to us.Tell us which script or rake task to run in order to produce the desired output from your program.Specify what version of Ruby you’re using. You may use any official release of the CRuby interpreter.You may use the core and the standard library, but no gems, except Rake. If you do use Rake, specify the version.Solutions as well as questions and comments should be sent to us at