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FCKeditor 学习小结

FCKeditor学习总结 下载 FCKeditor地址:http://docs.Fckeditor.netdownload 文档 docs 帮助 步骤:step1 :

FCKeditor 学习总结
 下载 FCKeditor    地址:http://docs.Fckeditor.net   download;
 文档 docs 帮助
        step1 :导入js文件<script type="text/javascropt" src="fckeditor/fckeditor.js" ><script>
  method1 :Go to the body of your page ,to the place you want the editor to be and place the t following script  there;
  <script type="text/javascropt">
   var fck = new FCKeditor("fck");//一个叫做fck 的FCKeditor 
   fck.BasePath = "/项目名/fckeditor/";
  method2 :
  step1:  In <head> add the "onLoad" method;
                          var fck = new FCKeditor("myFck");
                          fck.BasePath = "fckeditor/";
  step2:  In <body> add the below code to replace an exsting textarea in the page;
                          <textarea name="myFck"></textarea> 
 其他属性:Width 宽度 100%;Heigh 高度 200; Value 初始类容 空值;
   BasePath 编辑器的基路径 /fckeditor/ ;  ToolbarSet 工具集合名称 Default/Basic/自己订制;
  var FCKeditor = function(instanceName,width,height,toobarSet,value);instanceName必需指定;
 step1:下载fckeditor-java-demo实例 ,fckeditor-java-bin.下   标签文档:site /index.html  Tag library
            导入jar 包fckeditor-java-core 和 lib下三个包 fckeditor-java-demo下所有包
 step2: 在page导入标签<%@ taglib url="http://java/fckeditor.net" prefix="FCK"%>
 step3: 使用<FCK:editor instanceName="myFCK" basePath="/fckeditor" value=" "/>
  注意:basePath:表示在当前工程下     value:必须指定值,并且不能为空值

 使用配置文件 :
 step1:建立并且配置一个新js文件webroot 下myconfig.js 覆盖 原有文件fckconfig.js
  mehod2:Find the following ling in the main configuration file(fckconfig.js)
  and put the path of you custom configuration file ;
            method3:There is an even way better  to hava the same resut as descriped above but without touching the fckconfig.js file
   you can set the custom configurations path directly in the page that uses the editor,This is an example to achive javascript;
   var fck = new FCKeditor("fck");//一个叫做fck 的FCKeditor 
  fck.config["CustomConfiguration"] ="myconfig.js";
  <script type="text/javascropt">
   var fck = new FCKeditor("fck");//一个叫做fck 的FCKeditor 
   fck.BasePath = "/项目名/fckeditor/";
   fck.config["CustomConfiguration"] ="myconfig.js";
  在原fckxonfig.js中找到配置FCKConfig.EnterMode 和FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode
  在原fckxonfig.js中找到配置FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS = FCKConfig.BasePath +'css/fck_editorarea.css';修改样式文件
  在原fckxonfig.js中找到配置FCKConfig.SmileyPath ,FCKConfig.SmileyImages ,FCKConfig.SmileyColumns ,
