select ... [dbo].[KF_ImplodeColumn](b.exc_no,'get_fostergrad',default,default) as [培养层次],--取出来的数据格式类似于:博士,研究生 ...from KT_EX_TeachPlan as a inner join KT_EX_Course as b on a.extc_no=b.exc_no inner join KT_B_DataDict as c on b.exc_category=c.bdd_nowhere 1=1 and ... and charindex((select bdd_name from KT_B_DataDict where bdd_no=11790),[培养层次])>0 --根据一个编号(11790)得到一个字符串(bdd_name),如:研究生,判断是否在[培养层次]这一列中,但是这样写会报"列明无效"的错误,最后我想到用exists查,虽然结果出来了,但是感觉绕了一个大弯,就用charindex应该怎么做????
declare @a table([id] int,[c1] varchar(2),[c2] int)insert @aselect 1,'aa',1 union allselect 2,'ab',1 union allselect 3,'ac',1 union allselect 4,'ad',2 union allselect 5,'ae',2declare @b table([id] int,[c1] varchar(1))insert @bselect 1,'a'select * from @a a left join @b b on charindex((select c1 from @b where c2=1) ,a.c1)>0/*id c1 c2 id c1----------- ---- ----------- ----------- ----1 aa 1 1 a2 ab 1 NULL NULL3 ac 1 NULL NULL*/