table a(qty, type, datetime);
qty type datetime
3 apple 07/01/12
4 peach 07/15/12
5 watermelon 09/01/12
我现在要按日/月统计水果销售情况,sql如下, 现在存在这样一个问题.
例如: 我要查看 1月到5月的统计情况.但是只有3月和4月有数据. 我其实要显示所有月份的数据.没有的设置为0. 同样的问题存在按日统计里.
我在程序里调用下面的sql,只要传入dateformat(mm/yy, dd/mm/yy) 和 startDate&endDate,一个sql就可以搞定.
1. dateformat='mm/yy', startDate='01/01/12', endDate='10/01/12', 统计1月到10月的所有数据.
2. dateformat='dd/mm/yy', startDate='01/01/12', endDate='02/01/12', 统计1月1号到2月1号的所有数据.
-- 按月/日统计
select sum(nvl(qty,0)) cnt, type, to_char(a.createtime, ':dateformat')
from a where datetime between :startDate and :endDate
group by type, to_char(a.createtime, ':dateformat');
with t1 as( select date'2012-03-01' c1,100 c2 from dual union all select date'2012-03-14' c1,200 c2 from dual union all select date'2012-04-03' c1,300 c2 from dual union all select date'2012-04-22' c1,400 c2 from dual)select to_char(a_date,'yyyy-mm') a_date,nvl(sum(c2),0) c2from (select add_months(date'2012-01-01',level-1) a_datefrom dualconnect by level <= 5) a left join t1 b on to_char(a_date,'yyyy-mm') = to_char(c1,'yyyy-mm')group by to_char(a_date,'yyyy-mm')order by a_date a_date c2---------------------------1 2012-01 02 2012-02 03 2012-03 3004 2012-04 7005 2012-05 0