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函数的重载就是在同一个类中允许同时存在一个以上的同名函数,只要它们的参数个数或类型不同即可。在这种情况下,该函数就叫被重载(overloaded)了,这个过程称为函数的重载(method overloading)。


public class Test{public static void main(String [] args){int isum;double fsum;isum=add(3,5);isum=add(3,5,6);fsum=add(3.2,6.5); }public static int add(int x,int y){reutrn x+y;}public static int add(int x,int y,int z){return x+y+z;}public static double add(double x,double y){return x+y;}}


5.2、构造函数1.构造函数的特点:具有与类相同的名称;不含返回值;不能在方法中用return语句返回一个值构造方法在程序设计中非常有用,它可以为类的成员变量进行初始化工作,当一个类的实例对象刚产生时,这个类的构造方法就会被自动调用,我们可以在这个方法中加入要完成初始化工作的代码。注意:在构造方法里不含返回值的概念是不同于“void”的,对于“public void Person()”这样的写法就不再是构造方法,而变成了普通方法,在定义构造方法时不能加了“void”,否则这个方法就不再被自动调用了。例:

class Person{public Person(){System.out.println("the constructor 1 is calling!");}private int age = 10;    public void shout(){    System.out.println(“age is ”+age); }}class TestPerson{public static void main(String[] args){Person p1=new Person();p1.shout();Person p2=new Person();p2.shout();Person p3=new Person();p3.shout();}}


the constructor 1 is calling!age is 10the constructor 1 is calling!age is 10the constructor 1 is calling!age is 105.3 、构造方法的重载构造和一般一样也可以重载:
class Person{private String name=”unknown”;private int age = -1;public Person(){System.out.println(“constructor1 is calling”);}    public Person(String n){        name = n;        System.out.println("constructor2 is calling");System.out.println(“name is ”+name);    }public Person(String n,int a){        name = n;        age = a;        System.out.println(”constructor3 is calling”);System.out.println(“name and age is ”+name+”;”+age);    }        public void shout(){    System.out.println(“listen to me!!”); }}class TestPerson{public static void main(String[] args){Person p1=new Person();P1.shout();Person p2=new Person(”Jack”);P2.shout();Person p3=new Person(“Tom”,18);P3.shout();}}
?运行结果:constructor1 is callinglisten to me!!constructor2 is callingname is Jacklisten to me!!constructor3 is callingname and age is Tom;18listen to me!!
