1、NameNode启动加载元数据情景分析NameNode函数里调用FSNamesystemm读取dfs.namenode.name.dir和dfs.namenode.edits.dir构建FSDirectory。FSImage类recoverTransitionRead和saveNameSpace分别实现了元数据的检查、加载、内存合并和元数据的持久化存储。saveNameSpace将元数据写入到磁盘,具体操作步骤:首先将current目录重命名为lastcheckpoint.tmp;然后在创建新的current目录,并保存文件;最后将lastcheckpoint.tmp重命名为privios.checkpoint.checkPoint的过程:Secondary NameNode会通知nameNode产生一个edit log文件edits.new,之后所有的日志操作写入到edits.new文件中。接下来Secondary NameNode会从namenode下载fsimage和edits文件,进行合并产生新的fsimage.ckpt;然后Secondary会将fsimage.ckpt文件上传到namenode。最后namenode会重命名fsimage.ckpt为fsimage,edtis.new为edits;2、元数据更新及日志写入情景分析以mkdir为例:logSync代码分析:代码:
public void logSync () throws IOException {ArrayList<EditLogOutputStream > errorStreams = null ;long syncStart = 0;// Fetch the transactionId of this thread.long mytxid = myTransactionId .get (). txid;EditLogOutputStream streams[] = null;boolean sync = false;try {synchronized (this) {assert editStreams. size() > 0 : "no editlog streams" ;printStatistics (false);// if somebody is already syncing, then waitwhile (mytxid > synctxid && isSyncRunning) {try {wait (1000 );} catch (InterruptedException ie ) {}}//// If this transaction was already flushed, then nothing to do//if (mytxid <= synctxid ) {numTransactionsBatchedInSync ++;if (metrics != null) // Metrics is non-null only when used inside name nodemetrics .transactionsBatchedInSync .inc ();return;}// now, this thread will do the syncsyncStart = txid ;isSyncRunning = true;sync = true;// swap buffersfor( EditLogOutputStream eStream : editStreams ) {eStream .setReadyToFlush ();}streams =editStreams .toArray (new EditLogOutputStream[editStreams. size()]) ;}// do the synclong start = FSNamesystem.now();for (int idx = 0; idx < streams. length; idx++ ) {EditLogOutputStream eStream = streams [idx ];try {eStream .flush ();} catch (IOException ie ) {FSNamesystem .LOG .error ("Unable to sync edit log." , ie );//// remember the streams that encountered an error.//if (errorStreams == null) {errorStreams = new ArrayList <EditLogOutputStream >( 1) ;}errorStreams .add (eStream );}}long elapsed = FSNamesystem.now() - start ;processIOError (errorStreams , true);if (metrics != null) // Metrics non-null only when used inside name nodemetrics .syncs .inc (elapsed );} finally {synchronized (this) {synctxid = syncStart ;if (sync ) {isSyncRunning = false;}this.notifyAll ();}}}
/*** Create a new checkpoint*/void doCheckpoint() throws IOException {long startTime = FSNamesystem.now ();NamenodeCommand cmd =getNamenode().startCheckpoint( backupNode. getRegistration());CheckpointCommand cpCmd = null;switch( cmd. getAction()) {case NamenodeProtocol .ACT_SHUTDOWN :shutdown() ;throw new IOException ("Name-node " + backupNode .nnRpcAddress+ " requested shutdown.");case NamenodeProtocol .ACT_CHECKPOINT :cpCmd = (CheckpointCommand )cmd ;break;default:throw new IOException ("Unsupported NamenodeCommand: "+cmd.getAction()) ;}CheckpointSignature sig = cpCmd. getSignature();assert FSConstants.LAYOUT_VERSION == sig .getLayoutVersion () :"Signature should have current layout version. Expected: "+ FSConstants.LAYOUT_VERSION + " actual " + sig. getLayoutVersion();assert !backupNode .isRole (NamenodeRole .CHECKPOINT ) ||cpCmd. isImageObsolete() : "checkpoint node should always download image.";backupNode. setCheckpointState(CheckpointStates .UPLOAD_START );if( cpCmd. isImageObsolete()) {// First reset storage on disk and memory statebackupNode. resetNamespace();downloadCheckpoint(sig);}BackupStorage bnImage = getFSImage() ;bnImage. loadCheckpoint(sig);sig.validateStorageInfo( bnImage) ;bnImage. saveCheckpoint();if( cpCmd. needToReturnImage())uploadCheckpoint(sig);getNamenode() .endCheckpoint (backupNode .getRegistration (), sig );bnImage. convergeJournalSpool();backupNode. setRegistration(); // keep registration up to dateif( backupNode. isRole( NamenodeRole.CHECKPOINT ))getFSImage() .getEditLog (). close() ;LOG. info( "Checkpoint completed in "+ (FSNamesystem .now() - startTime )/ 1000 + " seconds."+ " New Image Size: " + bnImage .getFsImageName (). length()) ;}}