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.NET Framework 四 安装未成功 一般信任关系失败

.NET Framework 4 安装未成功 一般信任关系失败公司内部服务器.Net平台从Framework2.0升级到Framework 4,

.NET Framework 4 安装未成功 一般信任关系失败
公司内部服务器.Net平台从Framework2.0升级到Framework 4,同时近千台客户端也需要升级。今天正式开始动工,可是刚开始不久就遇到了些麻烦,大部分机器可以正常升级到Framework 4,可是就有那么小部分机器很调皮,怎么安装都不行,老是提示“安装未成功”、“沿未安装.NET Framework 4 ,原因是:一般信任关系失败。”。没办法只能先放放这些比较特殊的机器了,让他们休息休息!

       想来想去就觉得这是系统问题,真是重新装系统的心都有了。可是这不是开玩笑的,至少会有上百台机子的需要重新装系统。后来又听说,有人重新装过系统还是不行,这下可以肯定的是系统是不用再重装了。没办法,我就google来google去,终于让我找到了解决的方法。出现这个问题的原因是dll文件注册不正确,需要重新注册Softpub.dll, Wintrust.dll, Initpki.dll, and Mssip32.dll这四个dll文件。我们编写以下脚本:
       regsvr32 /s Softpub.dll
       regsvr32 /s Wintrust.dll
       regsvr32 /s Initpki.dll
       regsvr32 /s Mssip32.dll
       重新注册过之后,再安装.NET Framework 4就可以顺利安装了。

This looks like the issue of incorrect dll registration for some security dlls. Can you please try the following and let me know if this solves the issue or not?

Method for Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003

To resolve this issue, register the Softpub.dll, Wintrust.dll, Initpki.dll, and Mssip32.dll files. To register these files, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
At the command prompt, type regsvr32 Softpub.dll /s, and then press ENTER.
At the command prompt, type regsvr32 Wintrust.dll /s, and then press ENTER.
At the command prompt, type regsvr32 Initpki.dll /s, and then press ENTER.
At the command prompt, type regsvr32 Mssip32.dll /s, and then press ENTER.
The complete artcle can been seen here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/956702

I hope this will resolve the issue.

Thanks & Regards,
Muhammad Ghaznawi

Proposed As Answer byHellBringerTuesday, April 05, 2011 9:25 AM
