Android本地语音识别引擎PocketSphinx-语言建模idngram2lm -vocab_type 0 -idngram weather.idngram -voca
idngram2lm -vocab_type 0 -idngram weather.idngram -vocab weather.tmp.vocab -arpa
1 楼 cs3230524 2012-04-17 我怎么还是识别不了呢?服务器不能生成dmp文件。翻.墙访问
INFO: cmd_ln.c(691): Parsing command line:
Current configuration:
INFO: cmd_ln.c(691): Parsing command line:
-nfilt 20 \
-lowerf 1 \
-upperf 4000 \
-wlen 0.025 \
-transform dct \
-round_filters no \
-remove_dc yes \
-feat 1s_c_d_dd \
-svspec 0-12/13-25/26-38 \
-agc none \
-cmn current \
-cmninit 54,-1,2 \
-varnorm no
Current configuration:
INFO: acmod.c(242): Parsed model-specific feature parameters from /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/feat.params
INFO: feat.c(684): Initializing feature stream to type: '1s_c_d_dd', ceplen=13, CMN='current', VARNORM='no', AGC='none'
INFO: cmn.c(142): mean[0]= 12.00, mean[1..12]= 0.0
INFO: acmod.c(163): Using subvector specification 0-12/13-25/26-38
INFO: mdef.c(520): Reading model definition: /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/mdef
INFO: mdef.c(531): Found byte-order mark BMDF, assuming this is a binary mdef file
INFO: bin_mdef.c(330): Reading binary model definition: /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/mdef
INFO: bin_mdef.c(507): 70 CI-phone, 65021 CD-phone, 3 emitstate/phone, 210 CI-sen, 5210 Sen, 11271 Sen-Seq
INFO: tmat.c(205): Reading HMM transition probability matrices: /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/transition_matrices
INFO: acmod.c(117): Attempting to use SCHMM computation module
INFO: ms_gauden.c(198): Reading mixture gaussian parameter: /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/means
INFO: ms_gauden.c(292): 1 codebook, 3 feature, size:
INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 256x13
INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 256x13
INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 256x13
INFO: ms_gauden.c(198): Reading mixture gaussian parameter: /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/variances
INFO: ms_gauden.c(292): 1 codebook, 3 feature, size:
INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 256x13
INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 256x13
INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 256x13
INFO: ms_gauden.c(354): 0 variance values floored
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(908): Loading senones from dump file /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/sendump
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1027): Using memory-mapped I/O for senones
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1304): Maximum top-N: 4 Top-N beams: 0 0 0
INFO: phone_loop_search.c(105): State beam -230231 Phone exit beam -115115 Insertion penalty 0
INFO: dict.c(306): Allocating 4107 * 20 bytes (80 KiB) for word entries
INFO: dict.c(321): Reading main dictionary: /sdcard/Android/data/test/lm/test.dic
ERROR: "dict.c", line 194: Line 1: Phone 'EH' is mising in the acoustic model; word '<S>不好</S>' ignored
ERROR: "dict.c", line 194: Line 2: Phone 'EH' is mising in the acoustic model; word '<S>好</S>' ignored
ERROR: "dict.c", line 194: Line 3: Phone 'EH' is mising in the acoustic model; word '<S>小赖</S>' ignored
ERROR: "dict.c", line 194: Line 4: Phone 'EH' is mising in the acoustic model; word '<S>祝东芝</S>' ignored
INFO: dict.c(212): Allocated 0 KiB for strings, 0 KiB for phones
INFO: dict.c(324): 0 words read
INFO: dict.c(330): Reading filler dictionary: /sdcard/Android/data/test/hmm/tdt_sc_8k/noisedict
INFO: dict.c(212): Allocated 0 KiB for strings, 0 KiB for phones
INFO: dict.c(333): 7 words read
INFO: dict2pid.c(396): Building PID tables for dictionary
INFO: dict2pid.c(404): Allocating 70^3 * 2 bytes (669 KiB) for word-initial triphones
INFO: dict2pid.c(131): Allocated 59080 bytes (57 KiB) for word-final triphones
INFO: dict2pid.c(195): Allocated 59080 bytes (57 KiB) for single-phone word triphones
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(477): ngrams 1=6, 2=8, 3=4
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(135): Reading unigrams
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(516): 6 = #unigrams created
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(195): Reading bigrams
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(533): 8 = #bigrams created
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(534): 3 = #prob2 entries
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(542): 3 = #bo_wt2 entries
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(292): Reading trigrams
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(555): 4 = #trigrams created
INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(556): 2 = #prob3 entries
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(99): 0 unique initial diphones
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(147): 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 8 single-phone words
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(186): Creating search tree
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(191): before: 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 8 single-phone words
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(326): after: max nonroot chan increased to 128
ERROR: "ngram_search_fwdtree.c", line 336: No word from the language model has pronunciation in the dictionary
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(338): after: 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 7 single-phone words
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(156): fwdflat: min_ef_width = 4, max_sf_win = 25
INFO: pocketsphinx.c(299): zslog use ngs
2 楼 wushaoliu3000 2012-05-21 我更惨了,我连apk文件都不能运行,请博主多指点