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mysql Error Nr. 2003报错的解决方案 莫不是ipv6不能和mysql共存

mysql Error Nr. 2003报错的解决方案 难道ipv6不能和mysql共存mysql Error Nr. 2003报错的解决方案 难道ip

mysql Error Nr. 2003报错的解决方案 难道ipv6不能和mysql共存

mysql Error Nr. 2003报错的解决方案 难道ipv6不能和mysql共存





Error Nr. 2003

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'(10061)

If a personal firewall is running on your machine.please make sure you have opened the TCP port 3306 for connections. Otherwise no client application can connect to the server.After you have opened the port please press [Retry] to apply the security settings.

If you are re-installing after you just uninstalled the MySQL server please note that the data directory was not removed automatically. Therefore the old password from your last installation is still needed to connect to the server. In this case please select skip now and re-run the Configuration Wizard from the start menu.



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最近重新装了一次,发现只要安装前在cmd中运行 ipv6 uninstall, 安装后在cmd中运行 ipv6 install 就可以避免上述问题了。

删除Tcp/ip协议中的IPv6,Ping localhost回归正常,重新配置MySQL Instance成功。


ps:卸载mysql 或其它数据库安装程序时,最好手动停止服务,并重启后安装。。。

原因 估计是mysql不能正确解析ipv6格式的地址,据说下一个补丁可以实现

发现只要安装前在cmd中运行 ipv6 uninstall, 安装后在cmd中运行 ipv6 install 就可以避免上述问题了。
