创建 svn branch 和使用 git-svn .
but failed with the following information
Multiple branch paths defined for Subversion repository.
You must specify where you want to create the branch with the --destination argument.
After googling it, I checked my .git/config file and it looks like this:
??????? repositoryformatversion = 0
??????? filemode = true
??????? bare = false
??????? logallrefupdates = true
??????? ignorecase = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
??????? url = https://svn_add/svn/project_name/trunk
??????? fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn
The url here points to the trunk directory and we need to specify branch destination here.
There are two ways to specify destination here.
In the first way, we could change the url back to the root directory and change the fetch directory. The modified file would like this:
[svn-remote "svn"]
??????? url = https://svn_add/svn/project_name
??????? fetch = trunk: refs/remotes/git-svn
??????? branches = branches//*:refs/remotes/*
The second way is keeping the url and fetch untouched, just use relative path for the branches.
[svn-remote "svn"]
??????? url = https://svn_add/svn/project_name/trunk
??????? fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn
??????? branches = ../branches//*:refs/remotes/*
Both way could work, and I prefer the first one, because it looks much intuitive and don't have deal with relative directory.
If u r not sure about the result, u could add -n or --dry-run to test the result of the command, like this
git svn branch -n -m "message" branch_name
After I created a branch in the svn repository, I used command
git checkout -b local_branch_name remote_branch_name
to generate a new git branch locally which point to the branch I just created in the svn repository.
Now I could stash pop my spiking code and commit them to the branches in svn repository respectively.
Thanks GaoLi and her baby for their help.