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Gradle创建项目目录结构如何使用Gradle创建如maven那样的项目结构呢 ?gradle不像maven那样有固定的项目结


如何使用Gradle创建如maven那样的项目结构呢 ?


1. 创建一个createJavaProject文件夹

2. 在此目录下创建gradle的构建脚本,build.gradle,内容如下:

apply plugin: 'java'task "create-dirs" << {   sourceSets*.java.srcDirs*.each { it.mkdirs() }   sourceSets*.resources.srcDirs*.each { it.mkdirs() }}

3. 命令行运行 gradle create-dirs



1. gradle templates 插件可以轻松的创建项目结构,http://tellurianring.com/wiki/gradle/templates,但是最新版本gradle1.0好像安装不上,不知道什么问题,我们也可以使用其他方式用上这个插件。

2. 下载最新的templates-xx.jar,https://launchpad.net/gradle-templates/+download 放在gradle 的lib/plugins目录下面。

3. 建个项目文件夹createJavaProject, 新建gradle构建脚本build.gradle,内容如下:

buildscript{    repositories {        flatDir dirs: "${gradle.gradleHomeDir}/lib/plugins"    }    dependencies {        classpath ':templates:1.2'    }} apply plugin: 'templates'

 4. 执行gradle tasks, 就会看到如下tasks:

Template tasks--------------createGradlePlugin - Creates a new Gradle Plugin project in a new directory named after your project.createGroovyClass - Creates a new Groovy class in the current project.createGroovyProject - Creates a new Gradle Groovy project in a new directory named after your project.createJavaClass - Creates a new Java class in the current project.createJavaProject - Creates a new Gradle Java project in a new directory named after your project.createScalaClass - Creates a new Scala class in the current project.createScalaObject - Creates a new Scala object in the current project.createScalaProject - Creates a new Gradle Scala project in a new directory named after your project.createWebappProject - Creates a new Gradle Webapp project in a new directory named after your project.exportAllTemplates - Exports all the default template files into the current directory.exportGroovyTemplates - Exports the default groovy template files into the current directory.exportJavaTemplates - Exports the default java template files into the current directory.exportPluginTemplates - Exports the default plugin template files into the current directory.exportScalaTemplates - Exports the default scala template files into the current directory.exportWebappTemplates - Exports the default webapp template files into the current directory.initGradlePlugin - Initializes a new Gradle Plugin project in the current directory.initGroovyProject - Initializes a new Gradle Groovy project in the current directory.initJavaProject - Initializes a new Gradle Java project in the current directory.initScalaProject - Initializes a new Gradle Scala project in the current directory.initWebappProject - Initializes a new Gradle Webapp project in the current directory.

 5. gradle createJavaProject创建java项目的项目目录结构。
