有report表:它里面 id name state customerid 四个字段,id为主键 ,customerid为外键
state 0, 1,2 // 未使用 更新 删除
根据customerid写一条sql (注意是一条)生成表的结构如下:
customerid state0 state1 state2
001 11 212 333
002 15 545 3
select distinct r.customerid,
(select count(r0.id) from report r0 where r.customerid = customerid and r0.state = 0) state0,
(select count(r1.id) from report r1 where r.customerid = customerid and r1.state = 1) state1,
(select count(r2.id) from report r2 where r.customerid = customerid and r2.state = 2) state2
from report r