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??? rsync -I -av --exclude=.svn?? 源文件??目标地址




?? svn co


???##check out code to your local working copy from svn repository, and your local working copy will include .svn info


svn co --ignore-externals? svn地址?

svn co -r 1276 xxx yyy

useful options:


--username xxxx? --password yyyy

3: svn export

## Check out code to your local working copy from svn repository, and your local working copy will not include .svn info.

svn export --ignore-externals svn地址??

useful options:


--username xxx? --password yyy

--force, If your working copy directory already exists, you need add this option.

4: svn ci

##commit your changes into svn repository from your local working copy

?svn ci -m "Externals updated for 216"? --username xxx --password yyy

?useful options:

?-m , the option is required, you need to add some commit message info.

5:?svn add

?##Add files and directories to your working copy and will be added to svn repository on your next commit.

?##If you add something before committing, you can cancel the addition using "svn revert".

?svn add --username xxx --password yyy * --no-ignore

?useful options:?

?--no-ignore, this option is required. In default, svn will ignore some files, like *.o *.lo *.la *.al .libs *.so *.so.[0-9]* *.a *.pyc *.pyo *.rej *~ #*# .#* .*.swp .DS_Store.

?You can add all your code using this options.


6: svn up

?###update your working copy, you can get new changes from svn repository.

?svn up --username xxx --password yyy


7: svn externals

?# Get svn:externals into a file:?

?o????? svn pg svn:externals . > _ext.txt???????????

?# Edit file externals.txt according to SCs announcements e-mails (tag names)

?o????? svn ps svn:externals . -F _ext.txt???????

?o?? svn ci -m "Externals updated for WN6.0_22.12-216"? --username xxx --password yyy


8: svn copy src dest

?###copy one or more files in a working copy or in the repository.

?svn copy -m "Create tag for WN6.0 22.12-216" --username xxx --password yyy?原目标文件svn地址 目标文件svn地址?

? useful options:

? ??-m, required??????

??????? If -m option is missed, you will get warning info like this:

??????? svn: Could not use external editor to fetch log message; consider setting the $SVN_EDITOR environment variable or using the --message (-m) or --file (-F) option

??? svn: None of the environment variables SVN_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR are set, and no 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option was found

?? src?????????????? dest??????????????????????? description

?? dir?????????????? existent dir??????????????? src is child of dest

?? dir?????????????? non-existent dir??????????? independent branch?

?? example:

?? svn copy --username xx --password yy -m "copy"

?? orginalfoder is existent dir, copyfolder is non-existent dir.


?9: svn cat

?###Output the contents of the specified files or URLs

?svn cat


10:?svn status

?###print the status of working copy files and directories.

?svn status setenv.bat

?example(setenv.bat and setenv.sh are locked):

?C:\test>svn status

???? K? setenv.bat

???? K? setenv.sh

11:?svn log?

###Shows you broad information: log messages attached to revisions, and which paths changed in each revision

?svn log -r 5:19??? # shows logs 5 through 19 in chronological order

?svn log --stop-on-copy #do not cross copies while traversing history

?svn log

?#####Show single file logs ####

C:\orginalfoder>svn log test.sh


12:?svn revert

?###Reverts any local changes to a file or directory and resolves any conflicted states. Svn revert will revert not only the contents of an item in your working copy, but also any property changes. Finally, you can use it to undo any scheduling operations that you may have performed (e.g., files scheduled for addition or deletion can be “unscheduled”).

###When your local changes have not committed.

?a. revert changes in the directory on working copy

C:\orginalfolder>svn revert -R .

C:\orginalfolder>svn revert -R test?

b. revert single file changes on working copy

C:\orginalfolder>svn revert test.sh

C:\orginalfolder>svn revert test\com.log

C:\orginalfolder>svn revert test.sh test.bat (revert multi-files)?


cd yourWorkingCopy

svn log(check which version you will revert to) or svn diff

svn revert

svn commit


12:?svn merge

###revert working copy to old version

##When your changes have committed.

C:\orginalfolder>svn merge -r 1259:1258?

svn merge -r 1259:1258? C:\orginalfoder

C:\orginalfolder>svn merge -r HEAD:1242?

##merge single file

C:\orginalfolder>svn merge -r HEAD:1239 startup.sh


13:?svn diff

###compare your working copy and BASE

C:\orginalfolder>svn diff

C:\orginalfolder>svn diff -r 1102 test.sh

###compare different urls

#you have working copy

C:\orginalfolder>svn diff -r HEAD:1102

C:\orginalfolder>svn diff -r HEAD:1238 startup.sh

#you have not working copy

svn diff

svn diff -r HEAD:1102


14: svn lock

###lock the file

svn status

###check the status of the file

C:\orginalfolder>svn status -u

K-被用户自己锁定, O-被其他用户锁定

使用svn info查看被谁锁定


svn unlock --force? --username xx --password xx/test.sh


15: svn list

?###Output the?lists of the specified folders or URLs
