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JQuery EasyUI DataGrid 汉语言文档

JQuery EasyUI DataGrid 中文文档??NameTypeDescriptionDefaulttitlestringThe datagrid panel title text

JQuery EasyUI DataGrid 中文文档



NameTypeDescriptionDefaulttitlestringThe datagrid panel title text. DataGrid的面板标题文字。nulliconClsstringA CSS class that will provide a background image to be used as the header icon. 一个CSS类,将提供一个背景图片作为标题图标。nullborderbooleanTrue to show datagrid panel border. 真到DataGrid中显示面板的边界。truewidthnumberThe width of datagrid width. 宽度的DataGrid的宽度。autoheightnumberThe height of datagrid height. 该数据网格的高度的高度。autocolumnsarrayThe datagrid columns config object, see column properties for more details. DataGrid的列的配置对象,看到更多的细节列属性。nullfrozenColumnsarraySame as the columns property, but the these columns will be frozen on left. Columns属性相同,但将这些列左冻结。nullstripedbooleanTrue to stripe the rows. True 条纹行。falsemethodstringThe method type to request remote data. 该方法要求远程数据类型。postnowrapbooleanTrue to display data in one line. 真正显示在同一行数据。trueidFieldstringIndicate which field is an identity field. 说明哪些字段是一个标识字段。nullurlstringA URL to request data from remote site. 一个URL请求从远程站点的数据。nullloadMsgstringWhen loading data from remote site, show a prompt message. 当从远程站点加载数据,显示一个提示信息。Processing, please wait … 处理中,请稍候…paginationbooleanTrue to show a pagination toolbar on datagrid bottom. True展现出对DataGrid的底部分页工具栏。falserownumbersbooleanTrue to show a row number column. True显示行号列。falsesingleSelectbooleanTrue to allow selecting only one row. True只允许选择一行。falsefitbooleanTrue to set size to fit it’s parent container. True设置大小,以适应它的父容器。falsepageNumbernumberWhen set pagination property, initialize the page number. 当设置分页属性,初始化的页码。1pageSizenumberWhen set pagination property, initialize the page size. 当设置分页属性,初始化的页面大小。10pageListarrayWhen set pagination property, initialize the page size selecting list. 当设置分页属性,初始化的页面大小选择清单。[10,20,30,40,50]queryParamsobjectWhen request remote data, sending additional parameters also. 当请求,远程数据发送额外的参数也。{}sortNamestringDefines which column can be sorted. 可排序的列定义。nullsortOrderstringDefines the column sort order, can only be ‘asc’ or ‘desc’. 定义的列的排序顺序,只能是’递增’或’递减’。ascEventsNameParametersDescriptiononLoadSuccessnoneFires when remote data is loaded successfully. 触发时,远程数据加载成功。onLoadErrornoneFires when some error occur to load remote data. 触发发生时的一些错误加载远程数据。onClickRowrowIndex, rowDataFires when user click a row, the parameters contains: 触发时,用户点击一个行,参数包括:
rowIndex: the clicked row index, start with 0 rowIndex:单击的行的索引,从0开始
rowData: the record corresponding to the clicked row rowData:记录点击相应的行onDblClickRowrowIndex, rowDataFires when user dblclick a row, the parameters contains: 当用户触发的DblClick一排,参数包括:
rowIndex: the clicked row index, start with 0 rowIndex:单击的行的索引,从0开始
rowData: the record corresponding to the clicked row rowData:记录点击相应的行onSortColumnsort, orderFires when user sort a column, the parameters contains: 当用户触发排序列,参数包括:
sort: the sort column field name 排序:排序列字段名称
order: the sort column order 订购:排序列顺序onSelectrowIndex, rowDataFires when user select a row, the parameters contains: 触发时,用户选择一行,参数包括:
rowIndex: the selected row index, start with 0 rowIndex:选定行的索引,从0开始
rowData: the record corresponding to the selected row rowData:记录对应到选定的行onUnselectrowIndex, rowDataFires when user unselect a row, the parameters contains: 触发时,用户取消选择一个行,参数包括:
rowIndex: the unselected row index, start with 0 rowIndex:没有被选中的行的索引,从0开始
rowData: the record corresponding to the unselected row rowData:记录对应的未选中行MethodsNameParameterDescriptionoptionsnoneReturn the options object. 返回的选择对象。resizenoneDo resize and do layout. 做调整,做布局。reloadnoneReload the rows. 重新加载行。fixColumnSizenonefix columns size. 大小固定栏目。loadDataparamLoad local data, the old rows will be removed. 加载本地数据,旧的行会被删除。getSelectednoneReturn the first selected row record or null. 返回第一个选中行的记录或空。getSelectionsnoneReturn all selected rows, when no record selected, am empty array will return. 返回所有选定行,选择时没有记录,我将返回空数组。clearSelectionsnoneClear all selections. 清除所有选择。selectRowindexSelect a row, the row index start with 0. 选择一个行,行索引以0开始。selectRecordidValueSelect a row by passing id value parameter. 选择一列由ID值传递参数。unselectRowindexUnselect a row. 取消选择1行。


