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Tomcat 六 ssl setup

Tomcat 6 ssl setupHOW set up Tomcat 6 SSL.txtHow to set ssl in tomcat 6in JDK 1.6.XDate: 2011-07-21

Tomcat 6 ssl setup
HOW set up Tomcat 6 SSL.txt

How to set ssl in tomcat 6  in JDK 1.6.X

Date: 2011-07-21.

1.run the batch:

set your_machine_name=nca7573609e.hrdc-drhc.netset your_keypass=passwordset your_storepass=passwordset jdk_ks_file_pass=changeitset keystoreFileName=pub_pri_key_pair_cert.jksecho step 1 -- generate the public/private key pair and self-signed certificate , stores them in pub_pri_key_pair_cert.jks file keytool -genkey -alias "%your_machine_name%" -validity 3650 -keypass "%your_keypass%" -keystore "%keystoreFileName%" -storepass "%your_storepass%" -dname "cn="%your_machine_name%", ou=WCO, o=ServiceCanada, c=CA" -keyalg RSA

2. in $Tomcat6$/config/server.xml, find the item <Connector port="8443"...., which is commented out. add those below to there:
  <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"  port="8443"   maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"               enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true"               acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"               SSLEnabled="true"keystoreFile="D:\\xyz\\jettyssoKeyCert\\pub_pri_key_pair_cert.jks"       keystorePass="password"               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

Where: 1) keystoreFile: is the file stored in a path: D:\\xyz\\jettyssoKeyCert\\, the name is "pub_pri_key_pair_cert.jks"
   2) keystorePass is the one  from the set your_keypass.

start tomcat, you can access it using: https:localhost:8443.  
