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我将要学习的css 框架 http://960.gs/?php mysql封装类 以及读写分离 抽象 以及数据库结构迁移功能实现?wp


css 框架 http://960.gs/


php mysql封装类 以及读写分离 抽象 以及数据库结构迁移功能实现


wp? 表结构






http://www.css88.com/ 很好的前端知识分享网站




http://pencil.evolus.vn/en-US/Home.aspx 可持续开发的 原型产品 GPL2 特好


31 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-07   http://zeptojs.com/ 优化的jquery框架 32 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-07   http://www.purplepixelmedia.co.uk/Ourblog/tabid/78/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/80/Using-jQuery-to-loading-images-after-the-page-is-ready.aspx 33 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-07   http://www.xbap.org/tutorial.html 34 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-07   http://tobielangel.com/ script.aculo.us 核心开发者博客 35 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-07   http://jqmobi.com/ 36 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-09   http://www.ipmsg.org.cn/ 飞鸽传书 37 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-14   http://code.google.com/p/artdialog/downloads/list 38 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-19   http://elfinder.org/ elFinder 是一个基于 Web 的文件管理器,灵感来自 Mac OS X 的 Finder 程序。 在线演示:http://elrte.org/elfinder/demo 39 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-19   http://www.phpwind.com/windframework/ 40 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-19   http://code.google.com/p/cx-extractor/ 好的正文内容抓取程序 41 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-19   http://www.webability.info/?P=comet

WACS - The WebAbility? Comet Server
WACS is a full COMET server written in PHP

"Comet is a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term, encompassing multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins.

The use of Comet techniques predates the name Comet, and is also known by several other names, including Ajax Push, Reverse Ajax, Two-way-web, HTTP Streaming, and HTTP server push among others."


Last Benchmark. 2010/10/10:
We have tried the server on a Celeron 2GHz monoprocesor with the following results:
- 1000 connected users
- 3.7 Mb of memory used
- 30% load CPU
- 87 ms average response time between sending a message and all the clients get the response


    A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+ let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way!
    Require PHP 5+.
    Supports invalid HTML.
    Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.
    Extract contents from HTML in a single line.
42 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-20   http://sebug.net/ 43 楼 vb2005xu 2012-04-21   http://www.ajaxml.com/examples.html#ex_upload 44 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-04   http://jdiy.net/ 不错的轻量级 java开发 45 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-07   http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/topic.py?hl=zh-Hans&topic=2371375&parent=1724125&ctx=topic 谷歌站长工具 46 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-08   http://xheditor.com 不错的编辑器 47 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-18   http://www.acme.com/software/http_load/ 48 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-18   http://www.queness.com/post/1668/9-rating-and-voting-javascript-plugins-and-tutorials 49 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-21   http://www.asp.net/ajax 50 楼 vb2005xu 2012-05-21   http://www.taoba123.com/soft9/109.html
