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var clock_start = time_start.getTime();
var dl_ok = false;
var xmlhttp;
function init() {
if (ap_name == "Netscape" && ap_ver >= 3.0)
dl_ok = true;
return true;
function get_time_spent() {
var time_now = new Date();
return ((time_now.getTime() - clock_start) / 1000);
function show_secs() // show the time user spent on the side
var i_total_secs = Math.round(get_time_spent());
var i_secs_spent = i_total_secs % 60;
var i_mins_spent = Math.round((i_total_secs - 30) / 60);
var s_secs_spent = "" + ((i_secs_spent > 9) ? i_secs_spent : "0" + i_secs_spent);
var s_mins_spent = "" + ((i_mins_spent > 9) ? i_mins_spent : "0" + i_mins_spent);
document.form1.time_spent.value = s_mins_spent + ":" + s_secs_spent;
window.setTimeout('show_secs()', 1000);
window.onload = function() {
var sec = 0;
var miu = 0;
var hour = 0;
var kj = 0;
function test() {
var time = document.getElementById("<%=timeBox.ClientID %>");
if (time.value == "") {
sec += 1;
if (sec == 60) {
miu += 1;
sec = 0;
if (miu == 60) {
hour += 1;
miu = 0;
time.value = hour + ":" + miu + ":" + sec;
} else {
var ts = time.value.split(':');
sec = parseInt(ts[2]);
miu = parseInt(ts[1]);
hour = parseInt(ts[0]);
sec += 1;
if (sec == 60) {
miu += 1;
sec = 0;
if (miu == 60) {
hour += 1;
miu = 0;
time.value = hour + ":" + miu + ":" + sec;
window.setTimeout("test()", 1000);
// if(hour*60+miu>=5) {
// <% 应该是在这里调用后台的函数吧,后台是newmethod()%>;}
protected void imgBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
public void NewMethod()
string Label = labSingle.Text;//单选分数
string paperid = Session["PaperID"].ToString();
string UserId = Session["userID"].ToString();
DBHelp db = new DBHelp();
foreach (RepeaterItem item in singleRep.Items)
HiddenField titleId = item.FindControl("titleId") as HiddenField;
string id = (string)titleId.Value;
string str = "";
if (((RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbA")).Checked)
str = "A";
else if (((RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbB")).Checked)
str = "B";
else if (((RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbC")).Checked)
str = "C";
else if (((RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbD")).Checked)
str = "D";
string single = "insert into UserAnswer(UserID,PaperID,Type,TitleID,Mark,UserAnswer,ExamTime) values('" + UserId + "','" + paperid + "','单选题','" + id + "','" + Label + "','" + str + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
string labeM = Label3.Text;//多选分数
foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater2.Items)
HiddenField titleId = item.FindControl("titleId") as HiddenField;
string id = (string)titleId.Value;
string str = "";
if (((CheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBox1")).Checked)
str += "A";
if (((CheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBox2")).Checked)
str += "B";
if (((CheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBox3")).Checked)
str += "C";
if (((CheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBox4")).Checked)
str += "D";
string Multi = "insert into UserAnswer(UserID,PaperID,Type,TitleID,Mark,UserAnswer,ExamTime) values('" + UserId + "','" + paperid + "','多选题','" + id + "','" + labeM + "','" + str + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
string labeJ = Label4.Text;//判断分数
foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater3.Items)
HiddenField titleId = item.FindControl("titleId") as HiddenField;
string id = (string)titleId.Value;
string str = Convert.ToString(false);
if (((RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbA")).Checked)
str = Convert.ToString(true);
else if (((RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbB")).Checked)
str = Convert.ToString(false);
string Judge = "insert into UserAnswer(UserID,PaperID,Type,TitleID,Mark,UserAnswer,ExamTime) values('" + UserId + "','" + paperid + "','判断题','" + id + "','" + labeJ + "','" + str + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
string labeF = Label5.Text;//填空分数
foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater1.Items)
HiddenField titleId = item.FindControl("titleId") as HiddenField;
string id = (string)titleId.Value;
string str = "";
str = ((TextBox)item.FindControl("TextBox1")).Text.Trim();
string Fill = "insert into UserAnswer(UserID,PaperID,Type,TitleID,Mark,UserAnswer,ExamTime) values('" + UserId + "','" + paperid + "','填空题','" + id + "','" + labeF + "','" + str + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
} string labeQ = Label6.Text;//问答分数
foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater4.Items)
HiddenField titleId = item.FindControl("titleId") as HiddenField;
string id = (string)titleId.Value;
string str = "";
str = ((TextBox)item.FindControl("TextBox2")).Text.Trim();
string Que = "insert into UserAnswer(UserID,PaperID,Type,TitleID,Mark,UserAnswer,ExamTime) values('" + UserId + "','" + paperid + "','问答题','" + id + "','" + labeQ + "','" + str + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
// Session["Test"] = "eeee";
//Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('试卷提交成功!');window.close();</script>");
Page.RegisterStartupScript(" ", " <script language= 'javascript '> alert('试卷提交成功!');window.close(); </script> ");
js 触发 提交事件(submit) 或 添加 asp:LinkButton 控件 使用 __doPostBack('','') 触发 LinkButton
还可以使用js post 提交
var params = {};
params.selType = selType;
params.Content = document.getElementById().value;
post('Evaluation.aspx', params);
function post(URL,PARAMS)
var from = document.createElement("form");
from.action = URL;
from.method = "post";
from.style.display = "none";
for(var x in PARAMS)
var opt = document.createElement("textarea");
opt.name = x;
opt.value = PARAMS[x];