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数组越界问题程序一点运行就出错误,错误如下:Exception in thread main java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBound

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at hignWay.Day0_HelloWorld.main(Day0_HelloWorld.java:54)

package hignWay;

import java.util.Vector;
public class Day0_HelloWorld
private static StringBuffer goToTheEnd = new StringBuffer();//存儲路徑(字符串,用于打印輸出)
private static Station stationArr[] = new Station[14];//存儲路徑(站臺的對象,size自行調整)
private static int index = 0;//stationArr[]的下標
private static intcount = 0;//路徑總數計數
private static Vector<StringBuffer> SBVector = new Vector<StringBuffer>();//用来存儲各種各樣的路径
private static Vector<Station> StationVector = new Vector<Station>();
public static void main(String[] args)
/* 世界地圖 */
/*天堂--沼澤--山丘 彩虹*/
/* | | |*/
/* | |*/
/* 荒漠--綠洲--古墓--洞穴*/
Station tiantang = new Station("天堂");StationVector.add(tiantang);
Station zhaoze = new Station("沼澤");StationVector.add(zhaoze);
Station shanqiu = new Station("山丘");StationVector.add(shanqiu);
Station caoyuan = new Station("草原");StationVector.add(caoyuan);
Station minghe = new Station("冥河");StationVector.add(minghe);
Station emeng = new Station("惡夢");StationVector.add(emeng);
Station diyu = new Station("地獄");StationVector.add(diyu);
Station lianyu = new Station("煉獄");StationVector.add(lianyu);
Station caihong = new Station("彩虹");StationVector.add(caihong);
Station huangmo = new Station("荒漠");StationVector.add(huangmo);
Station lvzhou = new Station("綠洲");StationVector.add(lvzhou);
Station gumu = new Station("古墓");StationVector.add(gumu);
Station dongxue = new Station("洞穴");StationVector.add(dongxue);

tiantang.setNextStation(zhaoze, caoyuan);
zhaoze.setNextStation(tiantang, shanqiu, minghe);
caoyuan.setNextStation(tiantang, minghe, huangmo);
minghe.setNextStation(zhaoze, caoyuan, emeng);
emeng.setNextStation(minghe, diyu, gumu);
diyu.setNextStation(emeng, lianyu, caihong);
huangmo.setNextStation(caoyuan, lvzhou);
lvzhou.setNextStation(huangmo, gumu);
gumu.setNextStation(lvzhou, emeng, dongxue);

//找路開始Start to End
Station start = getStation(args[0],StationVector);
Station end = getStation(args[1],StationVector);
if(start.stationName.equals("錯誤的車站") || end.stationName.equals("錯誤的車站")) return;


int tempI = 0,tempJ;
StringBuffer tempSB = new StringBuffer();
tempSB = SBVector.get(tempI);
SBVector.setElementAt(SBVector.get(tempJ), tempI);
SBVector.setElementAt(tempSB, tempJ);
System.out.println("Road_"+tempI+": "+SBVector.get(tempI));

public static void funcStartToEnd(Station start, Station end)
stationArr[index++] = start;//保存起始站

int i = 0;

for(;i < start.nextStation.length;i++)
if(start.nextStationFlag[i] == 0 )//flag == 0 表示有下一站可以走

int k = 0;
start.nextStation[i].nextStationFlag[k] = 0;

int l = 0;
for(;stationArr[l] != null;l++)
start.nextStation[i].nextStationFlag[k] = 1;
start.nextStationFlag[i] = 1;
funcStartToEnd(start.nextStation[i], end);

index -= 2;
for(i = 0;stationArr[i]!=null;i++)
SBVector.addElement(new StringBuffer(goToTheEnd));
stationArr[index+1] = null;
funcStartToEnd(stationArr[index], end);

public static void saveTheRoad(Station end)
goToTheEnd.delete(0, goToTheEnd.length());
int i = 0;
goToTheEnd.append(" - ");
goToTheEnd.delete(goToTheEnd.length()-3, goToTheEnd.length() );

public static Station getStation(String stationName, Vector<Station> StationVector)
for(int i = 0; i<StationVector.size(); i++)
return StationVector.get(i);
return new Station("錯誤的車站");

package hignWay;

public class Station
public String stationName;//本站名
public Station nextStation[];//能直达的下一站数組
public int nextStationFlag[];//能直达的下一站的flag,0能直达,1不能直达,一旦走过这条路,就设置为1

public Station(){}//构造函数

public Station(String name)
this.stationName = name;

public void setNextStation(Station nextStation1)
this.nextStationFlag = new int[1];
this.nextStation = new Station[1];
this.nextStation[0] = nextStation1;

public void setNextStation(Station nextStation1, Station nextStation2)
this.nextStationFlag = new int[2];
this.nextStation = new Station[2];
this.nextStation[0] = nextStation1;
this.nextStation[1] = nextStation2;

public void setNextStation(Station nextStation1, Station nextStation2, Station nextStation3)
this.nextStationFlag = new int[3];
this.nextStation = new Station[3];
this.nextStation[0] = nextStation1;
this.nextStation[1] = nextStation2;
this.nextStation[2] = nextStation3;

public void setNextStation(Station nextStation1, Station nextStation2, Station nextStation3, Station nextStation4)
this.nextStationFlag = new int[4];
this.nextStation = new Station[4];
this.nextStation[0] = nextStation1;
this.nextStation[1] = nextStation2;
this.nextStation[2] = nextStation3;
this.nextStation[3] = nextStation4;

public void setNextStation(Station nextStation1, Station nextStation2, Station nextStation3, Station nextStation4, Station nextStation5)
this.nextStationFlag = new int[5];
this.nextStation = new Station[5];

this.nextStation[0] = nextStation1;
this.nextStation[1] = nextStation2;
this.nextStation[2] = nextStation3;
this.nextStation[3] = nextStation4;
this.nextStation[4] = nextStation5;


Station start = getStation(args[0],StationVector);
at hignWay.Day0_HelloWorld.main(Day0_HelloWorld.java:54)
 这行是哪行 ,你看看 54行

你应该在 main方法的开始处写上 
if (args.length != 2) { //判断是否有输入参数 ,即命令行中 java hignWay.Day0_HelloWorld AA BB,这样子才是正确的否则 跳出main 
return ;

run -->run configrations-->java Application 选中你的运行时类名 ,然后在右边 arguments中输入你的两个参数
Road_0: 天堂 - 沼澤 - 山丘
Road_1: 天堂 - 草原 - 冥河 - 沼澤 - 山丘
Road_2: 天堂 - 草原 - 荒漠 - 綠洲 - 古墓 - 惡夢 - 冥河 - 沼澤 - 山丘


Java code
package hignWay;import java.util.Vector;//主類public class Day0_HelloWorld {    private static StringBuffer goToTheEnd = new StringBuffer(); // 存儲路徑(字符串,用于打印輸出)    private static Station stationArr[] = new Station[14]; // 存儲路徑(站臺的對象,size自行調整)    private static int index = 0; // stationArr[]的下標    private static int count = 0; // 路徑總數計數    private static Vector<StringBuffer> SBVector = new Vector<StringBuffer>(); // 用来存儲各種各樣的路径    private static Vector<Station> StationVector = new Vector<Station>();    // main函數    public static void main(String[] args) {        if (args.length != 2){            System.out.println("请输入起始站点名称:如 java Day0_HelloWorld A B ");            return  ;        }        /*-------------------對各個站臺進行初期化-------------------*/        /* 可以自行對路線圖進行擴展,擴展了以後別忘了初期化,毎加一個站點,周邊的都會受影響 */        /* 世界地圖 */        /* 天堂--沼澤--山丘 彩虹 */        /* | | | */        /* 草原--冥河--惡夢--地獄--煉獄 */        /* | | */        /* 荒漠--綠洲--古墓--洞穴 */        Station tiantang = new Station("天堂");        StationVector.add(tiantang);        Station zhaoze = new Station("沼澤");        StationVector.add(zhaoze);        Station shanqiu = new Station("山丘");        StationVector.add(shanqiu);        Station caoyuan = new Station("草原");        StationVector.add(caoyuan);        Station minghe = new Station("冥河");        StationVector.add(minghe);        Station emeng = new Station("惡夢");        StationVector.add(emeng);        Station diyu = new Station("地獄");        StationVector.add(diyu);        Station lianyu = new Station("煉獄");        StationVector.add(lianyu);        Station caihong = new Station("彩虹");        StationVector.add(caihong);        Station huangmo = new Station("荒漠");        StationVector.add(huangmo);        Station lvzhou = new Station("綠洲");        StationVector.add(lvzhou);        Station gumu = new Station("古墓");        StationVector.add(gumu);        Station dongxue = new Station("洞穴");        StationVector.add(dongxue);        tiantang.setNextStation(zhaoze, caoyuan);        zhaoze.setNextStation(tiantang, shanqiu, minghe);        shanqiu.setNextStation(zhaoze);        caoyuan.setNextStation(tiantang, minghe, huangmo);        minghe.setNextStation(zhaoze, caoyuan, emeng);        emeng.setNextStation(minghe, diyu, gumu);        diyu.setNextStation(emeng, lianyu, caihong);        lianyu.setNextStation(diyu);        caihong.setNextStation(diyu);        huangmo.setNextStation(caoyuan, lvzhou);        lvzhou.setNextStation(huangmo, gumu);        gumu.setNextStation(lvzhou, emeng, dongxue);        dongxue.setNextStation(gumu);        /*-------------------對各個站臺進行初期化-------------------*/        // 找路開始Start to End        Station start = getStation(args[0], StationVector);        Station end = getStation(args[1], StationVector);        if (start.stationName.equals("錯誤的車站")                || end.stationName.equals("錯誤的車站"))            return;        Day0_HelloWorld.funcStartToEnd(start, end);        System.out.println("總共有" + count + "種走法,下面列出最短的"                + (count <= 3 ? count : 3) + "種");        // 對路線Vector按升序排序并輸出前几種路線        int tempI = 0, tempJ;        StringBuffer tempSB = new StringBuffer();        for (; tempI < SBVector.size() - 1; tempI++) {            for (tempJ = tempI + 1; tempJ < SBVector.size(); tempJ++) {                if (SBVector.get(tempI).length() > SBVector.get(tempJ).length()) {                    tempSB = SBVector.get(tempI);                    SBVector.setElementAt(SBVector.get(tempJ), tempI);                    SBVector.setElementAt(tempSB, tempJ);                }            }        }        for (tempI = 0; tempI < (count <= 3 ? count : 3)/* SBVector.size() */; tempI++)            System.out.println("Road_" + tempI + ": " + SBVector.get(tempI));    }    public static void funcStartToEnd(Station start, Station end) {        stationArr[index++] = start; // 保存起始站        int i = 0;        if (!start.equals(end))// 起始站和結束站不是同一站        {            // 向下一站出發,逐個遍歴周圍能直達的站            for (; i < start.nextStation.length; i++) {                if (start.nextStationFlag[i] == 0)// flag == 0 表示有下一站可以走                {                    int k = 0;                    for (; k < start.nextStation[i].nextStationFlag.length; k++) {                        // 對下一站進行初始化,把該站周圍的直達站(即start的下一站的再下一站)flag全部置成0,防止路線重疊衝突                        start.nextStation[i].nextStationFlag[k] = 0;                        // 對下一站周邊的直達站與之前走過的站臺對比,如果一樣,就設為1,避免走回頭路                        int l = 0;                        for (; stationArr[l] != null; l++) {                            if (start.nextStation[i].nextStation[k]                                    .equals(stationArr[l]))                                start.nextStation[i].nextStationFlag[k] = 1;                        }                    }                    // start走向下一站,於是置為1                    start.nextStationFlag[i] = 1;                    // 到下一站繼續尋路,此為遞歸                    funcStartToEnd(start.nextStation[i], end);                    return;                }            }        }        // 死路了,連下一站都沒有了,只能往回跳了,此為回溯        index -= 2;        for (i = 0; stationArr[i] != null; i++) {            if (stationArr[i].equals(end)) {                saveTheRoad(end);                SBVector.addElement(new StringBuffer(goToTheEnd));                count++;            }        }        stationArr[index + 1] = null;        if (index >= 0)            funcStartToEnd(stationArr[index], end);        return;    }    // 把路徑存儲到StringBuffer中    public static void saveTheRoad(Station end) {        goToTheEnd.delete(0, goToTheEnd.length());        int i = 0;        for (; stationArr[i] != null; i++) {            goToTheEnd.append(stationArr[i].stationName);            goToTheEnd.append(" - ");            if (stationArr[i].equals(end))                break;        }        goToTheEnd.delete(goToTheEnd.length() - 3, goToTheEnd.length());    }    public static Station getStation(String stationName,            Vector<Station> StationVector) {        for (int i = 0; i < StationVector.size(); i++) {            if (stationName.equals(StationVector.get(i).stationName))                return StationVector.get(i);        }        System.out.println(stationName + "不存在!");        return new Station("錯誤的車站");    }} 
