Select Sum(T.a), Sum(T.b)
From (Select Count(a) As a, 0 b From Rercord Where 8<=timea<=11 And a is Not Null
Select 0 a, Count(b) As b From Rercord Where 8<=timeb<=11 And b is Not Null) T
with Record as( --虚拟出一张表 select 1 as ID,null as a, 22 as b,10 as timea,7 as timeb union all select 2,33,null,11,8 union all select 3,44,33,9,9 union all select 4,11,null,3,9 union all select 5,22,31,7,11 union all select 6,null,5,13,10)select sum( --增加一列,判断 timea如果在8 和 11 之间 并且 a 不为空 设置为1 ,最后sum统计 case when timea between 8 and 11 and a IS not null then 1 else 0 end ) as a, SUM ( --增加一列,判断 timea如果在8 和 11 之间 并且 b 不为空 设置为1 ,最后sum统计 case when timeb between 8 and 11 and b IS not null then 1 else 0 end )as b from Record/*a b----------- -----------2 3(1 row(s) affected)*/