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php生成xml文件 请问

php生成xml文件 请教?xml version1.0 encodingutf-8?photos pathflash/images/photo name

php生成xml文件 请教
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<photos path="flash/images/">
<photo name="Photo 1" url="1.jpg">This is the optional description for photo 1</photo>
<photo name="Photo 2" url="2.jpg">This is the optional description for photo 2</photo>
<photo name="Photo 3" url="3.jpg">This is the optional description for photo 3</photo>
<photo name="Photo 4" url="4.jpg">This is the optional description for photo 4</photo>
<photo name="Photo 5" url="5.jpg">This is the optional description for photo 5</photo>
  <photo name="Photo 6" url="6.jpg">This is the optional description for photo 6</photo>

