有没有人帮我介绍一下 ruby on rails ?
要用ruby on rails开发个网站。
1.先说下ruby on rails是什么?google出来的太技术了,我这没接触过Ruby,不懂网站开发,不懂数据库,不懂什么构架。。。太技术了我看不下去。。。有没有白话一点的?
2.要用ruby on rails开发网站,我得学啥?我现在就是一个小白,懂点c,懂点算法,Ruby这些个都是空白。。
3.用ruby on rails开发网站,要买些什么设备?除了电脑以外还要啥?
4.用ruby on rails开发一个网站,从开始从零学起,到最后开发好,一般要多长时间?
first, you need a computer. use Linux system is better. of course windows is OK.
most website base on database, so you need to learn some database knowledge. such as MySQL.
you need to know ruby.
if you want your website more beautiful, you need to know some css & javascript knowledge.
The last rails version, you need to learn some sass & CoffeeScript
for a newbie, this is enough.
then you can access these websites:
these guides will teach you how to build a web server.
if you want to put your website on the internet, you need to rent a server from vendor of server.
if you are a talent, maybe just a few days or a few hours.
this is up to you.