global type w_test from window
end type
type p_1 from picture within w_test
end type
type bitmap from structure within w_test
end type
end forward
global type bitmap from structure
long bmtype
long bmwidth
long bmheight
long bmwidthbytes
long bmplanes
long bmbitspixel
blob bmbits
end type
global type w_test from window
integer width = 2217
integer height = 1428
boolean titlebar = true
string title = "Untitled "
boolean controlmenu = true
boolean minbox = true
boolean maxbox = true
boolean resizable = true
long backcolor = 67108864
string icon = "AppIcon! "
boolean center = true
event ue_paint pbm_paint
p_1 p_1
end type
global w_test w_test
type prototypes
FUNCTION ulong GetPixel(ulong hdc,ulong px,ulong py) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
Function uLong GetDC(uLong hwnd) LIBRARY "user32.dll "
//Function uLong StretchBlt(uLong hdc,uLong xx,uLong yy,uLong nWidth,uLong nHeight,uLong hSrcDC,uLong xSrc,uLong ySrc,uLong nSrcWidth,uLong nSrcHeight,uLong dwRop) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
Function uLong DeleteDC(uLong hdc) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
Function uLong DeleteObject(uLong hObject) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
Function uLong SelectObject(uLong hdc,uLong hObject) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
Function uLong GetObjectBitmap( uLong hgdiobj, int cbBuffer, ref bitmap bm ) library "gdi32.dll " alias for GetObjectA
Function uLong LoadImage(uLong hInst,ref String lpsz,uLong un1,uLong n1,uLong n2,uLong un2) LIBRARY "user32.dll " ALIAS FOR "LoadImageA "
Function uLong CreateCompatibleDC(uLong hdc) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
FUNCTION ulong ReleaseDC(ulong hwnd,ulong hdc) LIBRARY "user32.dll "
Function uLong SetBkColor(uLong hdc,uLong crColor) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
Function long CreateCompatibleBitmap ( long hdc, long nwidth, long nheight ) library "gdi32 "
Function long CreateBitmap ( long nwidth, long nheight, long nplanes, long nbitcount, long lpbits ) library "gdi32 "
Function uLong BitBlt(uLong hDestDC,uLong xx,uLong yy,uLong nWidth,uLong nHeight,uLong hSrcDC,uLong xSrc,uLong ySrc,uLong dwRop) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
FUNCTION ulong SetBkMode(ulong hdc,ulong nBkMode) LIBRARY "gdi32.dll "
end prototypes
type variables
constant long SRCCOPY = 13369376
constant long NOTSRCCOPY = 3342344
constant long SRCAND = 8913094
constant long SRCINVERT = 6684742
uLONG il_memDC,il_old,il_windc,il_outputdc
ulong il_rgb
string is_cmenu_pic = 'C:\mis\RLZY\pic\captionbar_VAE.bmp '
boolean ib_init_paint = false
integer ii_bmpwidth,ii_bmpheight
end variables
forward prototypes
public subroutine wf_transparentblt (long dstdc, long srcdc, integer srcx, integer srcy, integer srcw, integer srch, integer dstx, integer dsty, long transcolor)
public subroutine wf_paint ()
end prototypes
event ue_paint;//wf_paint()
end event
public subroutine wf_transparentblt (long dstdc, long srcdc, integer srcx, integer srcy, integer srcw, integer srch, integer dstx, integer dsty, long transcolor); // DstDC - Device context into image is actually drawn
// SrcDC - Device context of source to be made transparent in color TransColor
// SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH - Rectangular region of source bitmap in pixels
// DstX, DstY - Coordinates in OutDstDC where the transparent bitmap must go
// TransColor - Transparent color
// 输出透明图像到DstDC
Long nRet,MonoMaskDC,hMonoMask,MonoInvDC,hMonoInv,hResultDst,ResultDstDC
long ResultSrcDC,hResultSrc,hPrevMask,hPrevInv,hPrevSrc,hPrevDst
long OldBC
Integer OldMode
//Create monochrome mask and inverse masks
MonoMaskDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DstDC)
MonoInvDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DstDC)
//Create monochrome bitmaps for the mask-related bitmaps:
hMonoMask = CreateBitmap(SrcW, SrcH, 1, 1, 0)
hMonoInv = CreateBitmap(SrcW, SrcH, 1, 1, 0)
hPrevMask = SelectObject(MonoMaskDC, hMonoMask)
hPrevInv = SelectObject(MonoInvDC, hMonoInv)
// Create keeper DCs and bitmaps
ResultDstDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DstDC)
ResultSrcDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DstDC)
//Create color bitmaps for final result & stored copy of source
hResultDst = CreateCompatibleBitmap(DstDC, SrcW, SrcH)
hResultSrc = CreateCompatibleBitmap(DstDC, SrcW, SrcH)
hPrevDst = SelectObject(ResultDstDC, hResultDst)
hPrevSrc = SelectObject(ResultSrcDC, hResultSrc)
// Copy src to monochrome mask
OldBC = SetBkColor(SrcDC, TransColor)
nRet = BitBlt(MonoMaskDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, SrcDC,SrcX, SrcY, SrcCopy)
TransColor = SetBkColor(SrcDC, OldBC)
//Create inverse of mask
nRet = BitBlt(MonoInvDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, MonoMaskDC, 0, 0, NotSrcCopy)
//Copy background bitmap to result & create final transparent bitmap
nRet = BitBlt(ResultDstDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, DstDC, DstX, DstY, SrcCopy)
//AND mask bitmap w/ result DC to punch hole in the background by
//painting black area for non-transparent portion of source bitmap.
nRet = BitBlt(ResultDstDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, MonoMaskDC, 0, 0, SrcAnd)
// Get overlapper
nRet = BitBlt(ResultSrcDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, SrcDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcCopy)
//AND inverse mask w/ source bitmap to turn off bits associated
//with transparent area of source bitmap by making it black.
nRet = BitBlt(ResultSrcDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, MonoInvDC, 0, 0, SrcAnd)
//XOR result w/ source bitmap to make background show through.
nRet = BitBlt(ResultDstDC, 0, 0, SrcW, SrcH, ResultSrcDC, 0, 0, SrcInvert)
//Output results
nRet = BitBlt(DstDC, DstX, DstY, SrcW, SrcH, ResultDstDC, 0, 0, SrcCopy)
// Clean up
hMonoMask = SelectObject(MonoMaskDC, hPrevMask)
DeleteObject (hMonoMask)
hMonoInv = SelectObject(MonoInvDC, hPrevInv)
DeleteObject (hMonoInv)
hResultDst = SelectObject(ResultDstDC, hPrevDst)
DeleteObject (hResultDst)
hResultSrc = SelectObject(ResultSrcDC, hPrevSrc)
DeleteObject (hResultSrc)
DeleteDC (MonoMaskDC)
DeleteDC (ResultDstDC)
DeleteDC (ResultSrcDC)
end subroutine
public subroutine wf_paint ();ulong ll_bmp,ll_new
bitmap lus_bmp
long ll_inst
if il_windc = 0 and il_memdc =0 then
il_windc = GetDC(Handle(this))
il_memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(il_windc)
ll_bmp = LoadImage(ll_inst,is_cmenu_pic,0,0,0,16)
if ll_bmp = 0 then return
GetObjectBitmap( ll_bmp, 28, lus_bmp )
ii_bmpwidth= lus_bmp.bmwidth
il_old = SelectObject(il_memDC,ll_bmp)
il_rgb = GetPixel(il_memDC,0,0)
p_1.width = PixelsToUnits(ii_bmpwidth, XPixelsToUnits!)
p_1.height= PixelsToUnits(ii_bmpheight, YPixelsToUnits!)
end if
end subroutine
on w_test.create
this.p_1=create p_1
end on
on w_test.destroy
end on
event close;SelectObject(il_memDC,il_old)
end event
type p_1 from picture within w_test
event ue_paint pbm_paint
integer x = 585
integer y = 576
integer width = 768
integer height = 256
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
event ue_paint;wf_paint()
return 1
end event
event constructor;this.ENABLED = FALSE
end event