select a.mp_id mp_id,
a.org_no mp_org,
b.org_no meter_org,
b.meter_id meter_id,
d.cons_no cons_no
from c_mp a, c_meter b, c_meter_mp_rela c, c_cons d
where a.mp_id = c.mp_id
and b.meter_id = c.meter_id
and a.cons_id = d.cons_id
and a.org_no <> b.org_no;
merge into c_meter b
using (select a.org_no , c.meter_id
from c_mp a, c_meter_mp_rela c
where a.mp_id = c.mp_id) a
on b.meter_id = a.meter_id
when matched then
update set b.org_no = a.org_no where length(a.org_no) > length(b.org_no)