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C++代码编译过程中错误应如何修正,求除错给出修正代码【错误提示】①[BCC32 Error] remac.cpp(140): E2034 Ca

①[BCC32 Error] remac.cpp(140): E2034 Cannot convert 'unsigned short *' to 'const wchar_t *'
  Full parser context
  remac.cpp(96): parsing: void ResetAdapter(char *)
②[BCC32 Error] remac.cpp(140): E2342 Type mismatch in parameter '__s2' (wanted 'const wchar_t *', got 'unsigned short *')
  Full parser context
  remac.cpp(96): parsing: void ResetAdapter(char *)
③[BCC32 Warning] remac.cpp(155): W8004 'hr' is assigned a value that is never used


C/C++ code
void ResetAdapter(char * AdapterName) {  struct _GUID guid = {0xBA126AD1,0x2166,0x11D1,0};  memcpy(guid.Data4, "\xB1\xD0\x00\x80\x5F\xC1\x27\x0E", 8);  unsigned short * buf = new unsigned short[strlen(AdapterName)+1];    void (__stdcall *NcFreeNetConProperties) (NETCON_PROPERTIES *);  HMODULE NetShell_Dll = LoadLibrary("Netshell.dll");  if (!NetShell_Dll) {    printf("无法加载Netshell.dll。\n");    return;    }  NcFreeNetConProperties = (void (__stdcall *)(struct tagNETCON_PROPERTIES *))GetProcAddress(NetShell_Dll, "NcFreeNetconProperties");  if (!NcFreeNetConProperties) {    printf("无法加载需要的动态链接库函数!\n");    return;    }  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= strlen(AdapterName); i++) {    buf[i] = AdapterName[i];    }  CoInitialize(0);    INetConnectionManager * pNCM = NULL;        HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(guid,                                     NULL,                                     CLSCTX_ALL,                                     __uuidof(INetConnectionManager),                                     (void**)&pNCM);    if (!pNCM)        printf("无法列出需要的对象!\n");    else {        IEnumNetConnection * pENC;        pNCM->EnumConnections(NCME_DEFAULT, &pENC);        if (!pENC) {          printf("无法枚举网络连接!\n");          }        else {          INetConnection * pNC;          ULONG fetched;          NETCON_PROPERTIES * pNCP;          do {            pENC->Next(1, &pNC, &fetched);            if (fetched && pNC) {              pNC->GetProperties(&pNCP);              if (pNCP) {                if (wcscmp(pNCP->pszwName, buf) == 0) {                  pNC->Disconnect();                  pNC->Connect();                  }                NcFreeNetConProperties(pNCP);                }              }            } while (fetched);            pENC->Release();          }        pNCM->Release();    }    FreeLibrary(NetShell_Dll);    CoUninitialize ();  }

