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Syntax error converting the varchar value '' 'to a column of data type int解决办法

Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column of data type intdeclare @sql1 nvarchar(40

Syntax error converting the varchar value '' 'to a column of data type int
declare @sql1 nvarchar(4000)
set @sql1 = 'select a.[owner] '
select @sql1 = @sql1 + ' , sum(case a.week when ''' + week + ''' then a.productivity_target else 0 end)[' + week + '],sum(case a.week when ''' + week + ''' then a.productivity_contribution else 0 end) [' + week + ']'
from (select distinct week from pfad_productivity a) as t
set @sql1 = @sql1 + ' from pfad_productivity agroup by a.[owner] '

在執行時出錯為:Syntax error converting the varchar value '' then a.productivity_target else 0 end)['to a column of data type int


SQL code
declare @sql1 nvarchar(4000)set @sql1 = 'select a.[owner] 'select @sql1 = @sql1 + ' , sum(case a.week when ''' +ltrim(week)+ ''' then a.productivity_target else 0 end)[' + ltrim(week)+ '],sum(case a.week when ''' + ltrim(week)+ ''' then a.productivity_contribution else 0 end) [' + ltrim(week)+ ']'from (select distinct week from pfad_productivity a) as tset @sql1 = @sql1 + ' from pfad_productivity agroup by a.[owner] 'exec(@sql1) 
