跪求一段程序 非常急请大家帮忙在线等
dim objSMS
Set objSMS = Server.CreateObject("UFmobileClient.SMS")
with objSMS
if cSMSisDaiLi = "1" then
SMSisOK = .SetAgentParam(1, cSMSService, cSMSDuanKou, cSMSUser, cSMSPW)
end if
SMSisOK = .SetGatewayUrl(cSMSWangGuan)
SMSisOK = .Login("admin", cSMSIDPW, cSMSID)
if SMSisOK < 0 then
senMessage = SMSisOK
exit function
end if
iSMSNum = .SendSms(cPhones, cMsg,"", "")
SMSisOK = .Logout
end with
set objSMS=nothing
senMessage = iSMSNum
或者你有更好的可以告诉我下 谢谢了 邮箱w-bchang@163.com
疑问,先检查 问题1 然后检查 问题 2......
dim objSMS
Set objSMS = Server.CreateObject("UFmobileClient.SMS")
with objSMS
if cSMSisDaiLi = "1" then
SMSisOK = .SetAgentParam(1, cSMSService, cSMSDuanKou, cSMSUser, cSMSPW)
end if
SMSisOK = .SetGatewayUrl(cSMSWangGuan)
SMSisOK = .Login("admin", cSMSIDPW, cSMSID)
if SMSisOK < 0 then
问题 2
'这里是登陆成功与否的标志,如果小于0表示登陆成功,那这里应该没有 exit function才对
'有可能这里的 exit function 检查看是否合理,
senMessage = SMSisOK
exit function
end if
iSMSNum = .SendSms(cPhones, cMsg,"", "")
SMSisOK = .Logout
end with
set objSMS=nothing
senMessage = iSMSNum
response.End() '问题1: 这句执行到时页面直接输出,之后的程序代码都不执行了,所以应该放在后面