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如何使鼠标移动到动画上面,效果停止HTML codefunction init(){playDirection leftimgSpeed 30rota


HTML code
function init(){    playDirection = "left";    imgSpeed = 30;    rotateSpeed = 3000;    imageWidth = 240;    imageHeight = 410;    this.createEmptyMovieClip("imgHolder", 1);    imgHolder._x = 47;    imgHolder._y = -1;    targetAlpha = new Array();    targetAlpha = [0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0];    targetX = new Array();    targetX = [683, -57, 189, 437, 683, 683];    targetY = new Array();    targetY = [6, -15, -15, -15, -15, 6];    getImageDepth = new Array();    getImageDepth = [80, 90, 110, 200, 112, 100];    targetS = new Array();    targetS = [0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0];    targetVisible = new Array();    targetVisible = [true, true, true, true, true, true, true];    leftBtn.swapDepths(3000);    rightBtn.swapDepths(3001);    disable_btn.swapDepths(3002);    textVisible = new Array();    textVisible = [false, false, false, true, false, false, false];    totalNum = imgNum;    indexNum = 1;    for (var _loc3 = 0; _loc3 < totalNum; ++_loc3)    {        imgHolder.attachMovie("img", "img" + _loc3, _loc3 + 10);        var _loc2 = imgHolder["img" + _loc3];        _loc2.no_txt.text = _loc3;        _loc2._visible = false;        _loc2._xscale = 50;        _loc2._yscale = 50;        _loc2._alpha = 0;        _loc2.no_txt.text = _loc3;        _loc2.no_txt._visible = false;        loadThumbs(thumb_image[_loc3], _loc2.thumbs.th);        loadThumbs(thumb_image[_loc3], _loc2.thumbs2.th);        _loc2.desc_txt.autoSize = true;        _loc2.desc_txt.text = img_name[_loc3];        _loc2.desc_txt.text = img_name[_loc3];        setBlurFilter(_loc2, 0, 0, 0);        _loc2.textBg._width = _loc2.desc_txt.textWidth + 20;        _loc2.desc_txt._visible = false;        _loc2.textBg._visible = false;        getLink(_loc2);    } // end of for    setBlurFilter(imgHolder.img2, 0, 0, 0);    imgHolder.img2.desc_txt._visible = true;    imgHolder.img2.textBg._visible = true;    setMovie();} // End of the functionfunction getLink(mc){    mc.onRelease = function ()    {        getURL(img_link[Number(this._name.substr(3))], "");    };} // End of the functionfunction setMovie(){    for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < totalNum; ++_loc2)    {        posNum = (indexNum + _loc2) % totalNum;        var _loc1 = imgHolder["img" + _loc2];        _loc1._visible = targetVisible[posNum];        _loc1.desc_txt.autoSize = true;        _loc1._x = targetX[posNum];        _loc1._y = targetY[posNum];        _loc1._xscale = targetS[posNum];        _loc1._yscale = targetS[posNum];        _loc1._alpha = targetAlpha[posNum];        _loc1.swapDepths(getImageDepth[posNum]);    } // end of for} // End of the functionfunction rotateMovie(){    disable_btn._visible = true;    for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < totalNum; ++_loc2)    {        posNum = (indexNum + _loc2) % totalNum;        var _loc1 = imgHolder["img" + _loc2];        _loc1._visible = false;        _loc1._visible = targetX[posNum];        _loc1.desc_txt._visible = textVisible[posNum];        _loc1.textBg._visible = textVisible[posNum];        setBlurFilter(_loc1, 0, 0, 0);        getLink(_loc1);        if (_loc1.textBg._visible == true)        {            setBlurFilter(_loc1, 0, 0, 0);        } // end if        var _loc3 = new mx.transitions.Tween(_loc1, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _loc1._x, targetX[posNum], imgSpeed, false);        new mx.transitions.Tween(_loc1, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _loc1._y, targetY[posNum], imgSpeed, false);        new mx.transitions.Tween(_loc1, "_xscale", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _loc1._xscale, targetS[posNum], imgSpeed, false);        new mx.transitions.Tween(_loc1, "_yscale", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _loc1._yscale, targetS[posNum], imgSpeed, false);        new mx.transitions.Tween(_loc1, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _loc1._alpha, targetAlpha[posNum], imgSpeed, false);        _loc1.swapDepths(getImageDepth[posNum]);    } // end of for} // End of the functionfunction setBlurFilter(mc, blurX, blurY, blurQuality){    mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;    var _loc2 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(blurX, blurY, blurQuality);    var _loc1 = new Array();    _loc1.push(_loc2);    mc.filters = _loc1;} // End of the functionfunction loadThumbs(linkUrl, movLoader){    var _loc3 = new MovieClipLoader();    var _loc2 = new Object();    _loc2.onLoadProgress = function (target, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal)    {        pctLoaded = Math.floor(bytesLoaded / bytesTotal * 100);        target._parent.pBar_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);        if (!isNaN(pctLoaded))        {            if (pctLoaded >= 100)            {                target._parent.pBar_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);                this.gotoAndPlay(2);            } // end if        } // end if    };    _loc2.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus)    {    };    _loc2.onLoadInit = function (target)    {        new mx.transitions.Tween(target._parent.pBar_mc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, target._parent.pBar_mc._alpha, 0, 100, false);        target._width = imageWidth;        target._height = imageHeight;    };    _loc3.addListener(_loc2);    _loc3.loadClip(linkUrl, movLoader);} // End of the functionfunction autoRotate(){    leftBtn.gotoAndStop(1);    rightBtn.gotoAndStop(1);    if (playDirection == "right")    {        if (indexNum < totalNum)        {            ++indexNum;            rotateMovie();        } // end if        if (indexNum == totalNum)        {            indexNum = 0;        } // end if    } // end if    if (playDirection == "left")    {        if (indexNum > 0)        {            --indexNum;            rotateMovie();        } // end if        if (indexNum == 0)        {            indexNum = totalNum;        } // end if    } // end if} // End of the functionstop ();init();rightBtn.onRelease = function (){    if (indexNum < totalNum)    {        ++indexNum;        rotateMovie();    } // end if    if (indexNum == totalNum)    {        indexNum = 0;    } // end if};leftBtn.onRelease = function (){    if (indexNum > 0)    {        --indexNum;        rotateMovie();    } // end if    if (indexNum == 0)    {        indexNum = totalNum;    } // end if};leftBtn.onRollOver = function (){    this.gotoAndStop(2);    clearInterval(id);};rightBtn.onRollOver = function (){    this.gotoAndStop(2);    clearInterval(id);};rightBtn.onRollOut = function (){    this.gotoAndStop(1);    playDirection = this._name.substr(0, 5).toString();    id = setInterval(autoRotate, rotateSpeed);};leftBtn.onRollOut = function (){    this.gotoAndStop(1);    playDirection = this._name.substr(0, 4).toString();    id = setInterval(autoRotate, rotateSpeed);};id = setInterval(autoRotate, rotateSpeed); 

http://space.flash8.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=425137&extra= 此处有附件下载,谢谢!!

版本低了 看不了
LZ能理清这些 应该可以自己写个了
