BCB 里面如何通过句柄获取对象的指针
知道一个TWinControl 对象的句柄
(TWinControl *)HWND X
TWinControl *p-> Handle = HWND X
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Returns the windowed control (Windows) or widget (cross-platform) whose window is identified by the specified handle or which appears at a specified position.
Controlsor QControls
Windows controls utilities (Windows) or control and form location (cross-platform)Windows controls utilities (Windows)
or control and form location (cross-platform)
Delphi syntax:
function FindControl(Handle: HWnd): TWinControl;
function FindControl(Handle: QWidgetH): TWidgetControl;
function FindControl(const Pos: TPoint): TWidgetControl;
C++ syntax:
extern PACKAGE TWinControl* __fastcall FindControl(HWND Handle);
extern PACKAGE TWidgetControl* __fastcall FindControl(Qt::QWidgetH* Handle);
extern PACKAGE TWidgetControl* __fastcall FindControl(const Types::TPoint &Pos);
Call FindControl to access the control whose underlying screen object is identified by the Handle parameter or which appears at the position specified by the Pos parameter. If Handle is not the handle of a screen object or if there is no widget at the specified position, FindControl returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).