创建 Excel文件,保存地址为 str_Excel_File_Address,其中该 Excel的Sheet数量为 Ubound(Arr_Name())+2.
第二个~最后一个的SheetName为 数组Arr_Name()中的值..
Set xlApp = NothingSet xlBook = NothingSet xlSheet = Nothing
Private Sub PrintButton_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandle Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application Dim xlBook As New Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As New Excel.Worksheet Dim strsql As String Dim rsPict As New ADODB.Recordset If RichTextBox1.Text = " " Then MsgBox "沒有輸入工號﹐每次可輸入9人工號 ", vbExclamation, "提醒您 " Exit Sub End If '19512,21303,24366,33110,51019,67066,76002,85002,99017 Screen.MousePointer = 11 strsql = "SELECT A.person_no,A.person_name,B.dept_name,A.photo " & _ " FROM person A LEFT JOIN (SELECT position.position_no,position.name,position.dept_no,dept.name AS dept_name FROM position LEFT JOIN dept ON left(position.dept_no,1)+ '0000 '=dept.dept_no)B " & _ " ON A.position_no=B.position_no " & _ " where A.photo is not null and A.enable= '1 ' and A.person_no in( " & RichTextBox1.Text & ") " rsPict.Open strsql, pubConn, 1, 1 If rsPict.EOF Then Exit Sub End If Set xlApp = CreateObject( "Excel.Application ") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open( "\\SWEB\Excel\PrintPhoto.xls ") Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(2) xlApp.Visible = False rsPict.MoveFirst Dim ZX As Single, ZY As Single Dim i As Integer, j As Integer With Image1 .Stretch = False .Visible = False .Picture = LoadPicture( "\\SWEB\datafile\photo\employee\24115.jpg ") ZX = .Width / 3000 '假設目標寬度155圖元 ZY = .Height / 3500 '假設目標高度165圖元 .Stretch = True .Height = Int(.Height / ZY) .Width = Int(.Width / ZX) End With i = 0 j = 0 Do While Not rsPict.EOF xlSheet.Shapes.AddPicture rsPict.Fields(3).Value, False, True, X1(i), Y1(j), ZX * 32, ZY * 37 xlSheet.Shapes.AddPicture "\\SWEB\datafile\photo\employee\logo.jpg ", False, True, X2(i), Y2(j), ZX * 15, ZY * 8 xlSheet.Cells(X3(i), Y3(i)) = AddSpace(rsPict.Fields(2).Value) xlSheet.Cells(X3(i) + 2, Y3(i)) = Space(5) & "工號: " & rsPict.Fields(0).Value xlSheet.Cells(X3(i) + 3, Y3(i)) = Space(5) & "姓名: " & IIf(Len(rsPict.Fields(1).Value) = 2, Left(rsPict.Fields(1).Value, 1) + Space(2) + Right(rsPict.Fields(1).Value, 1), rsPict.Fields(1).Value) rsPict.MoveNext i = i + 1 j = j + 1 Loop xlSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select xlApp.Visible = True Set xlApp = Nothing Set xlBook = Nothing Set xlSheet = Nothing Screen.MousePointer = 0 Exit Sub ErrHandle: MsgBox "發生意外錯誤,請查看輸入的工號是否正確﹖ ", vbExclamation, "提醒您 " Screen.MousePointer = 0 End Sub
Set xlSheet = Nothing
Set xlBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing