不能使用 File.OpenRead() ,而是要使用 Application.GetResourceStream()
Silverlight 3.0 官方文档的例子:
using System.IO; // Streamusing System.Windows; // Applicationusing System.Windows.Controls; // TextBlock, Imageusing System.Windows.Media.Imaging; // BitmapImageusing System.Windows.Resources; // StreamResourceInfonamespace SilverlightApplication{ public partial class PageShort : UserControl { public PageShort() { InitializeComponent(); // Load image resource files included in the application package // and resources that are embedded in assemblies included in the // application package. // Load an image resource file embedded in the application assembly. Image img1 = LoadImage( "/SilverlightApplication;component/EmbeddedInApplicationAssembly.png"); this.stackPanel.Children.Add(img1); // Load an image resource file included the application package. Image img2 = LoadImage("IncludedInApplicationPackage.png"); this.stackPanel.Children.Add(img2); // Load an image resource file embedded in a library assembly, // which is included in the application package. Image img3 = LoadImage( "/SilverlightLibrary;component/EmbeddedInLibraryAssembly.png"); this.stackPanel.Children.Add(img3); } public Image LoadImage(string relativeUriString) { // Get the image stream at the specified URI that // is relative to the application package root. Uri uri = new Uri(relativeUriString, UriKind.Relative); StreamResourceInfo sri = Application.GetResourceStream(uri); // Convert the stream to an Image object. BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.SetSource(sri.Stream); Image img = new Image(); img.Source = bi; return img; } }}
private void Button_Click_Load_Image(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "PNG Files (*.png;*.png)|*.png;*.png | All Files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.FilterIndex = 1; if (true == ofd.ShowDialog()) { System.IO.Stream stream = ofd.File.OpenRead(); BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.SetSource(stream); MyImage.Source = bi; stream.Close(); }}