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call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs enable-esc-and-f1解决办法

call xAF using set-bit-pairsenable-esc-and-f1这句如何解释啊.刚学,不的入门.请教达人.书看了几天,觉

call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs enable-esc-and-f1

书看了几天,觉得太瞒了. 找了一个例子.
呵呵, 第一句就难住了哈.
  * This program assumes that the default configuration has been *
  * selected using Adiscf. *

  cursor is cursor-position
  crt status is key-status.

  data division.
  working-storage section. 

  * Parameters to be used for the x"AF" calls.
  01 set-bit-pairs pic 9(2) comp-x value 1.
  01 get-single-character pic 9(2) comp-x value 26.
  01 enable-esc-and-f1.
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1.
  03 filler pic x value "1".
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 0.
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 2.
  01 disable-all-other-user-keys.
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 0.
  03 filler pic x value "1".
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 2.
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 126.
  01 enable-slash-key.
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 
  03 filler pic x value "3".
  03 filler pic x value "/".
  03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 

  * Status returned after termination of an ACCEPT.
  01 key-status.
  03 key-type pic x.
  03 key-code-1 pic 9(2) comp-x.
  03 key-code-1-x redefines key-code-1 pic x.
  03 key-code-2 pic 9(2) comp-x.
  * Cursor-Position is returned by ADIS containing 
  * the position of the cursor when the ACCEPT was 
  * terminated.
  01 cursor-position.
  03 cursor-row pic 99.
  03 cursor-column pic 99.
  * Work areas used by the program.
  01 work-areas.
  03 wa-name pic x(30).
  03 wa-address-line-1 pic x(40).
  03 wa-address-line-2 pic x(40).
  03 wa-address-line-3 pic x(40).
  03 wa-address-line-4 pic x(40).
  03 wa-age pic 999 value 0.
  01 exit-flag pic 9(2) comp-x value 0.

  * Screen Section.
  screen section.
  01 main-screen.
  03 blank screen.
  03 line 2 column 27 
  value "Typical Data Entry Screen".
  03 line 3 column 27 
  value "-------------------------".
  03 line 5 column 1 value "name [".
  03 pic x(30) using wa-name highlight prompt " ".
  03 value "]".
  03 line 7 column 1 value "address [".
  03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-1 highlight prompt " ".
  03 value "]".
  03 line 8 column 1 value " [".
  03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-2 highlight prompt " ".
  03 value "]".
  03 line 9 column 1 value " [".
  03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-3 highlight prompt " ".
  03 value "]".
  03 line 10 column 1 value " [".
  03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-4 highlight prompt " ".
  03 value "]".
  03 line 12 column 1 value "age [".
  03 pic zz9 using wa-age highlight prompt " ".
  03 value "]".
  03 line 20 column 1 value
  - "-----------------------".
  03 line 21 column 1 value "f1" highlight.
  03 value "=".
  03 value "/h" highlight.
  03 value "elp".
  03 column 75 value "esc" highlight.
  03 value "ape".
  01 help-screen.
  03 blank screen.
  03 line 1 column 34 value "Help Screen".
  03 line + 1 column 34 value "-----------".
  03 line 4 value "escape" highlight.
  03 value " Quit this program.".
  03 line 6 column 1 value "f1 or /h" highlight.
  03 value " View this help screen.".
  03 line 8 column 1 
  value "Use the cursor keys to move around ".
  03 value "the fields on the screen.". 
  03 value " Pressing enter".
  03 line + 1 column 1 value "accepts the data ".
  03 value "and presents a new blank form to fill in.".
  03 line 24 column 25 
  value "Press any key to continue ...".
  * Procedure Division.
  procedure division.
  entry-point section.
  * First we want to ensure that the keys are enabled as we want
  * them. Enable the Escape and F1 keys.
  call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs 
  * disable every other user function key. 
  call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs

  * set up "/" key to act as a function key and terminate 
  * the ACCEPT operation.
  call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs 
  * Now ensure that the cursor position will be returned when an
  * ACCEPT is terminated. Setting to row 1, column 1 will ensure
  * that the cursor will be initially positioned at the start of 
  * the first field.
  move 1 to cursor-row
  move 1 to cursor-column
  * Loop until the Escape key is pressed.
  perform until exit-flag = 1
  display main-screen
  accept main-screen
  evaluate key-type
  when "0"
  * The ACCEPT operation terminated normally; that is the Enter key
  * was pressed. In this case, we simply blank out the work areas
  * and restart in the first field.
  initialize work-areas
  move 1 to cursor-row
  move 1 to cursor-column
  when "1"
  * A user function key has been pressed. This will either be
  * Escape or F1 as all others have been disabled.
  if key-code-1 = 0
  * Escape has been pressed, so we wish to leave the program.
  move 1 to exit-flag
  * F1 has been pressed so display the help screen. 
  perform display-help-screen
  when "3"
  * A data key has terminated the ACCEPT operation. It must be "/"
  * as no other keys have been enabled to do this. Now get the 
  * next character to see if "H" or "h" has been pressed.
  call x"AF" using get-single-character
  if key-type = "3" and
  (key-code-1-x = "h" or 
  key-code-1-x = "H")
  perform display-help-screen
  stop run.
  display-help-screen section.
  * Display the help screen and then wait for a key to be pressed.
  display help-screen
  call x"AF" using get-single-character




cursor is cursor-position 
crt status is key-status. 
数据部的working-storage section中定义了一些中间变量。
working-storage section中定义了屏幕输出的形式。包括一个主屏幕区和一个帮助屏幕区
procedure division后是过程部,主要功能是控制屏幕输出。
